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I had my first clinic appointment at the Ottawa Heart Institute yesterday and we talked about using Champix..the nurses and dr's there are well aware of of the recent talk about the medication,and while they still order it for patients who want to try it,they no longer advise it.In particular with those already on anti-depressants.They feel the medication is still too new in Canada.

The nurse said that studies indicate that people taking champix have NO greater quit success than those using the patch...and the rate for relapse is the same

We came up with a battle plan for me which includes using the patch and augmenting with the gum as a backup when needed. My quit date is May 1st and I am actually looking forward to it.

So far my carbon monoxide levels are low and I want to get them even lower.

I am going to work very very hard to quit this time and will use the tools I have learned in regards to anxiety,to help me through the quitting process.
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