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hi everyone this is my first post so I don't want to go into too much detail as I don't want to upset anyone but shortly after my parents separated I began having flashbacks, perhaps 8 or 9 times this happened at the most but every time I was drunk, a lot of the time I would have to be told what I had said and on occasion actually acted out as if I thought the person helping me was an attacker. Every flashback has been the same as far as the details i.e., the people involved, when and where this event is supposed to of happened, but are these reliable flashbacks or just something my mind has created? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Re: reliable flashbacks???

Have you seen a professional hun about these flashbacks as you call them It would be good to talk to someone who deals with trauma and who understands how to help you


No as of yet, I suppose I have always thought they would be dismissed so I have never spoken to anyone about them really. I am seeing my Dr this week about them though as first step as I really cannot handle not knowing anymore.
That is t he first good move hun ask your doctor about a referral to see a specialist that deals with flashbacks a psychologist, a psychiatrist okay i hope you get some answers


I saw my Dr today and he has referred me onto a psychologist to help me try to get some answers and to look into all these things that I am definitely remembering along with those which I cannot be 100% sure on - hopefully I will get the truth in the end.
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