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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Cat is ordered by judge to appear for jury duty
by DrMarie, Online Veterinary Advice

Sal the Cat

A cat in Boston has been summoned for Jury duty! And, the judge says that he must appear.
The Daily Mail is reporting this incredible story. Sal?s owner, Anna Esposito included Sal?s name on her census report under the category of Pets. Apparently there was an error in processing and Sal got listed as a human member of the family!

Sal?s owner responded to the summons on his behalf. She had to include a reason why he could not attend. As he was not a convicted felon, too ill, or too old, she checked off that he was ?unable to speak and understand English?. She also included a letter from her vet stating that Sal was a ?domesticated short haired feline.?

Yet, the judge still ordered Sal to appear in court stating that jurors are not expected to have a perfect command of the English language.
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