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I am entering my 9th week of recovery from a nasty bout of sciatica, involving 4th & 5th lumbar. Have had all the physio treatments and feeling much relief except for the lingering pain down the side of my leg. I am going to the gym 3x/week and doing at home stretches on alternate days. I'm finding some of the apparatus at the gym seems to be putting a strain on the still tender area around my lower back even at the lowest setting, so I'm reluctant to do some of the machines and end up just using their upper body apparatus, which is ok, but I really need to find a way to work my quads,etc. as my muscles have atrophied. Has anyone out there suffered from Sciatica and could recommend some excercises to get the muscles back into shape?


Hi Squirt2,

Welcome aboard.

I was never able to do the exercises to great in therapy with my back. As you stated it puts much strain on the back.

And my range of motion was always worse AFTER the therapy then when I started.

If you have access to a pool, try water exercises, they are the best that you can do right now.

For upper body, Do as you are, but as light as possible. Resistance exercises are supposed to be good as I dont' believe there is as much weight involved with this type of exercise.

Also, if there are any ab exercises that you can do without putting any strain on the back, or even the hip, this might help because when your stomach muscles are stronger it is supposed to help the back.

I have learned to listen to my body. When the pain is high or not bearable, I use a heating pad. And I make sure I don't lift things too heavy, I try to stay within a 10 pound or less limit. Sometimes it is difficult to do this, but for the most part I follow it. If you find standing for long amounts of time aggravate it, try to get off your feet as much as your life style permits you to do so. And also, and this is important as well, Learn to say no to people if you are in pain and know that doing anything extra will create more of a flare up.

Another good machine is the exercise bike. You can adjust the settings on them and even though you can't go with a stronger setting, you could go with a longer time being on one.

I would like to ask you what testing you have had done on your back. Have you had any ct or mri scans done?

I understand the atrophied muscles as my muscle tone is horrible. I just recently got an exercise bike and do use that on occasion.

I know what you are going through, if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to post some questions or your feelings.


Hello Squirt2,
but I really need to find a way to work my quads,etc. as my muscles have atrophied.
Specific to your quads, why not just ask your physiotherapist?
As professionals they should be able to zero in.
I still do lateral leg extensions and stretches (diagonal), but always support your lower back and don't overdo it. Very simple 10 count leg raises while flat on your back strengthens your quads too. Do you jog? Short of Pilate's, have you checked out any core strengthening? Ask your physiotherapist about the last two.
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