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I have (or had?) AVG Internet Security but the message now says that my license has expired and that I no longer have protection. I am seriously non-technically inclined so can anyone help me on this? :confused: Mari


Resident Canuck
Hi Mari. Did the AVG provide a internet link to direct you to somewhere you can upgrade your antivirus? Did you get an email from AVG to say your antivirus was about to expire? Sometimes they also have a 1-800 number you can call to upgrade too.

With the anti virus I have, I get an email and it directs me to their site. I then use a credit card to renew and it happens automatically.

I would wait though until someone more technically inclined to post, then myself. I am only moderately confident in my technical abilities.

Take care Mari :heart:


Thank-you NikNak, there is an option to purchase online but I do not want to do that. Can I just go to a computer store and purchase new software? I can not find any software cd so possibly it was originally purchased online. The AVG has been active since the computer was purchased five years ago and there has never been a problem. Even with a cd I can never understand the directions and online directions are impossible for me. :noidea: Mari


Resident Canuck
Hi Mari.

I went to AVG Antivirus and Security and found this: Does this sound like what happened?

1848:Inactive components after recent AVG program update (8.5.322)In case your AVG reports the Firewall component as "Stopped", the E-mail Scanner is in "Not fully functional" state and the Web Shield component is "Not active", please check the displayed version of your AVG (lower left corner of the AVG user interface). If the reported version of the AVG program is 8.5.320, you might not have restarted your computer after the recent program update. If your computer has not been restarted, please do so now.

If you have already restarted your computer and the mentioned components still report these error states, please contact our Technical Support. In the issue description please enter detailed information about the actual state of the AVG program


End of 7.5 version support
Full support for all paid AVG 7.5 products will be provided until April 30, 2009. This support covers all home and SMB/enterprise solutions (except AVG Anti-Spyware), and includes all updates and 24/7 technical and sales support.
Learn More

I also found this toll free phone number on that site


I also found a web based form to contact Customer Service Existing Customer Support

Hope this helps a bit. I know I gave a lot of information. Feel free to ask if you need more help. I can sniff about the website more.

Also, if you remember where the computer was purchased at, maybe they can help you re install the anti virus. I know BestBuy does that too if there is one close by where you live. They do other stuff too with the "Geek Squad" as they call those staff :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There is still a free version of AVG but they don't make it easy to find - you can download it at AVG Free - Download AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition for Windows XP and Vista
But the newer versions of AVG are resource hogs and not as effective as earlier versions.

My recommendation: Download Avast, also free. Uninstall AVG and install Avast instead.

Once installed, you need to visit the Avast website to register it but that's also free - you just need to provide a valid email address (they don't spam you or anything). They'll email you the registration key which is good for 13 months before you need to reregister for a new one.
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