More threads by lilslugger

:( I {self-injured} numerous times last nite because of ocd. i fear thinking an evil thought like a blasphemous thought then my mind wont leave me alone so i end up self harming to cope. i feel like God might kill me if i do think of an evil thought and i live my life not expecting to live much longer. im a mess.
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
lilslugger, you're going to have to remind me:

  1. are you seeing a therapist about this currently?
  2. are you taking any medication for OCD?


Resident Canuck
Hi Lilslugger. :support:

Does your Psych Nurse and your doctor know you are still struggling with the intrusive, racing thoughts and self injury urges?

Maybe a medication adjustment may help?

It is important they know you are struggling. Please do not lose hope Lilslugger.

These symptoms are very difficult to cope with and I am so sorry you are going through this.

Do your parents know? Are they supportive to you and helpful?

If we can be any assistance to help you find supports in your area, please let us know.
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