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Is there such a thing? Are there any programs available to get you grounded and started in Mindfullnes/DBT and/or other appropriate therapies.

I was diagnosed last summer and have been in weekly therapy and completed DBT Group therapy, but I did not absorb it and have trouble practicing it and would like to be immersed in it as well as get a break from daily life (extreme work and family stress) for a couple weeks to a month.
I cannot afford any more than this.

I have also considered a mindfullness/Zen type retreat. It does not have the mental health counseling, but this may be an alternative and less expensive.

Looking for feedback.

Daniel E.
Yes, but they are usually self-pay (as in very expensive and you have to pay out-of-pocket), e.g:

Effective Oct 1, 2011, the fee for the Gunderson Residence is $1,050 per day for a minimum of 60 days.

McLean Hospital - Treatment for Women with BPD

So it is basically a lot cheaper financially to see a therapist every day -- and that is expensive, too.

Personally, I like the DBT videos by Marsha Linehan, and the transcripts are freely available online. In the rural area I live, the closest thing to DBT is CBT and psychodynamic therapy.

I have also considered a mindfullness/Zen type retreat.

If you are in California or New York or some place like that, that should be easy to do without having to travel much.

Daniel E.
What about mindfulness retreats as an alternative?

I don't know. I've never been to one. It can be a problem for some people:

While data are sparse, some mental health experts suggest that people who have a history of mental illness, or who are particularly sleep-deprived or stressed, may be more likely to have severe reactions to meditation. Does that mean those people shouldn’t meditate? Not necessarily, but I suggest students explore meditation gradually, and trust their instincts above any teacher’s advice.

mindful way through depression | PsychScoop

There are online alternatives that I have used, e.g:

The Bob Thurman Podcast - Tibetan Buddhist Dharma teachings from Robert A. F. Thurman (Robert Thurman also still does in-person lectures in NYC and some retreats. He is also on a couple DVDs available from Netflix. Joseph Campbell, though, is my all-time favorite, and his DVDs are available at most public libraries as well as Netflix. Wayne Dyer is another popular personality I like who also has DVDs at Netflix.)

Watch A New Earth Web Classes on (I was too bored to watch the whole thing)

Eckhart Tolle TV (also boring and requires a subscription) (my favorite thing to listen to during the day, though there is a lot of newage stuff)

At and, there are also lectures recorded at retreats by popular personalities in the "mindfulness community" like Chodron and Thich Nhat Hanh, both of whom can also be found on YouTube.

---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Regarding DBT:

DBT treatment centers for BPD

Clinical Resource Directory | Behavioral Tech
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