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So...I know I can't exactly dump my family because I don't want to, even though they bug the hell out of me sometimes- I have to learn to deal with it. Some, that are not abusive like my parents- I will keep in touch with. Others, I might keep at a distance, etc.

But what to do when your friends are driving you nuts too? SO, I have a friend that is very passive aggressive. She ignores questions if she doesn't want to answer them, I have caught her lying because she doesn't want to admit the "real" issue (not a problem, but we were discussing what you can do with excel) in order to get answers she wants in other ways, she constantly reads into things..and she ends up being paranoid because of it. She tens to manipulate people since we were in highschool I learned that she used to say things to a friend so that way her friend would not like me, but whenever she was close to me- she would say things to me about the other one, so that I would not like her and vice versa...and she still does this..15 years later!

SO, I know i can't change her. But, I am constantly annoyed and frustrated by interacting with her because of this. When I was in high school I didn't know any better..but over the years I have learned to be open with my feelings and this behavior really annoys me. I get frustrated and upset and I don't like feeling this way. And, I feel like I can't really get close to her because I do not know if she is telling me the truth, or if she is trying to figure something out, or if she is thinking one thing instead of another or what.

We recently had an argument and part of the reason was she was "reading too much into things" and so she apologized because she says she knows she tends to do that..but that next time I shouldn't say anything that would lead her to read something else into it..???:confused: Now, she was joking, but only this is part of how she does this..

SO- what should I do? This is a friend I have had since high school and really one of the only ones I keep in touch with -especially recently cuz she moved close to my city, but I get frustrated often and I don't know how much I can trust her because I want to spend less time with her when she does certain things. I don't want to lose a friend, but I don't want to constantly be annoyed either. I partially want to tell her I can't deal with this and walk away. But, I know that is not what I really want- I wish things were different. But, I know that is not something that can happen either.

So, what do you do? Any similar circumstance? What have you done? Do you just learn to deal with people like this and realize that maybe you won't have the close friendship you wish you had?


Yeah...I have no idea why I asked this....after thinking about it again..I just realized have to learn to deal with it...because we all have problems. :eek:

It's just so frustrating sometimes. :eek:


See this friend as who they really are, not who you wish they would be. That way you might not be disappointed by them so often. Good luck!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
See this friend as who they really are, not who you wish they would be. That way you might not be disappointed by them so often.

I think this is a good point. It doesn't mean that you cannot continue to have a relationship with family members who disappoint you or a friendship with friends who may have let you down. It does mean that you need to be careful to recognize the limits of what that person is able to or is willing to offer you and you may well have to be the one who sets boundaries in whatever the relationship is to be. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to sever all ties.


Thanks everyone! This is something I have yet to learn. I don't know how to set limits. It's something I have been learning in recent years and I am not that good at it yet. But, you are all right. I have to decide that I want to accept people for who they are and if something bothers me, and it is not a deliberate act on their part, I need to learn to set boundaries for that relationship. The idea is there, but the heart has yet to catch up. :eek:

Blue Boris

You can't change other people, only yourself. You will have to learn to deal with the reality of who your friend is.

I was in a similar situation with an old friend. He was always negative. He joked in an insulting way. He would pick one our group and we would always make them the butt of our jokes for the day. Sometimes it was me, sometimes it was the kid that was fatter than I was.

I realized that he would always be this way. He would never change. And even though I want him as a friend I wanted a drama free, negative free life even more.

So I stopped hanging out with him. I stopped calling, and we drifted apart.

It was hard because he had known each other for a long time, but I'm better off now. I have friends that are not negative, and we don't make fun of each other for sport. My life is better for it.
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