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This has took me a really long while to be able to post this,

For a few years i used to cause SI. I remember the first time I dis it in fact - I was in Judo and this girl was annoying me. I never ever spoke in class and never ever carried on in class, but this girl was trying to get me in trouble and I got really angry and was telling her to go away and leave me alone... and she pushed me in a friendly way and i pushed her back, but Sensei caught ME.. and told me to leave and go home, and the girl was laughing.

I ran into the changing rooms, was full of pure anger and hurt.. that's when I did it.. SI, and then had to cover it up with wrist bands, so no one ever noticed. I started doing it after that every time I felt this raging anger inside me. What I really want to do is shout and swear to let my anger out. Ii know it would help, but I hate swearing and have this thing... if I ever ever swear, i shall die. I live in fear of swearing words, my friends laugh at me. Iin a combat class once I was told to swear at an attacker. I couldnt say a word. He laughed at me and said if you won't swear just say "whale". Well I wanted to die at this point. All these guys and girls swearing at each other, and he wanted me to shout stupid words.

So I cant let anger out... not at all, never have been able to. it builds up inside me. Then i want to cry, and I cant even cry. I feel the anger and pain running through my blood, through my hands, can't do anything, so I'd find something and SI, not seriously though, because i am scared of it, but I used to do it all the time.

Well now it's back. I have no way to deal with my emotions and I really really want to SI but haven't. I have just been going crazy in my head, cant cope very well with it now. I was reading the sticky.. ways to help. Unfortunately things like trying to relax, listen to music, read, have a bath, anything slow, makes me worse, and the voice in my head tells me not to swear or shout or I will die. I can't shout, because of the thoughts, so I'm trapped, and not sure what I can do now.
What about doing something not slow like exercise or punching a pillow or something like that? I struggle with this too and I can really relate to what you're saying.

Are you in therapy?
I've found that for me, the best way to deal with anger-based SI urges is to do something with all that extra adrenaline. It could be running really fast on the spot, or jumping as high as I can. My favourite one at the moment is doing a goofy jumping dance, with or without music.
Since you have trouble shouting, have you tried singing something loudly instead?


i dont sing either, i just curse at myself in my head, Always when im angry i cant let it out then it turns to hurt and pain inside me and i cant cry, and im screaming at myself in my head, its really horrible. Next time i will try find something energetic to try but i dont find punching the punch bag helps, maybe something else will though.

My friends are a little fed up with me at the moment as i keep promising i will go to back to the Doctors and put it off... for 4 months now.. they are getting a bit annoyed at me now, because i wont go, and im getting annoyed at me too, things arent all that great just now, it all sucks. Why cant we just be free.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
My friends are a little fed up with me at the moment as i keep promising i will go to back to the Doctors and put it off... for 4 months now.. they are getting a bit annoyed at me now, because i wont go, and im getting annoyed at me too, things arent all that great just now, it all sucks.

What's stopping you from going back, SN?


Im just really really scared, I really hate talking about everything, and i dont think i would be able to tell them alot of things, I have a friend i talk to online and have no problems typing it out, but when it comes to trying to explain it with words.. talking to someone, i end up just saying i am ok, just to get away, and my last psych i was sure she was angry at me, fed up, and hated me, and all sorts, i cant trust anyone. The only words i use when people speak to me in real life is.. Yes, No and Dunno. I would be wasting there time by going and the fact im paranoid about medicines, I dont want to waste anybodys time, I think im just an idiot, and i reliase everyone i know is sick of me, they see me suffering and wonder why i wont get help, im just so scared/paranoid. Hate myself so much right now.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Have you ever tried writing down what it is you'd like to say to the doctor and then either reading it ot just giving the nore to your doctor?


Yes.. but she wouldnt read it and wanted me to read it aloud to her and describe it all to her, I ended up saying... "I dunno", those words just come out, I dont want to go through that again, but another part of me says i cant go on like this, so i just dont know what to do.


Its really only mostly online friends i have that live across the world, but my mum used to go with me and she would wait outside the room, I didnt like her coming in, because she doesnt know half of my problems, i really cant and dont want to tell my family about how i feel. i only have a few online friends that know, and well on this forum, is only place i can talk about things. But there is a lot of things i have still just kept to myself and no one knows, because i would sound stupid or mad.
Is it possible to ask to see a male psych.. i asked this somewhere else im sure, its just every one i have seen has been female.. and for some reason i cant trust them, but most my friends online are male and its so much easier to talk with them, but that will sound a bit strange if i asked that, and i dont know how i would say it, i couldnt say its because i cant trust the woman doctors. I think it could maybe help a little, infact that justt sounds stupid!


Yes, i was keeping a blog and found it really helpful to write how i felt, but as i said... she wouldnt read them, but maybe i got a different doctor.. they would maybe read them, if i started again, its just trying to push myself to do it, thanks for the replies.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Is it possible to ask to see a male psych.. i asked this somewhere else im sure, its just every one i have seen has been female.. and for some reason i cant trust them, but most my friends online are male and its so much easier to talk with them, but that will sound a bit strange if i asked that, and i dont know how i would say it, i couldnt say its because i cant trust the woman doctors. I think it could maybe help a little, infact that justt sounds stupid!

When I am asked for suggestions about a referral (e.g., when it's a client I wouldn't normally see), that's one of the first questions I ask: Would you be more comfortable with a male or female therapist?

Many people don't have a preference but many others do.


I asked to see a woman when i first started seeing someone. You can definitely ask to see a male if you feel more comfortable.

It seems a bit stange that she wouldn't read your journals though. My psychologist encourages me to write what i can't say in person (which is a lot). She will read it in our session and then we will discuss.

I hope you can work up the courage to get some help soon. I know how hard it is.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

For the record i don't have a problem with males, my psychiatrist is a male, i just prefer my psychologist to be female :)


Thank you! I didnt know you could ask, i thought it would have been strange, my last few in the past have been female and i didnt get far at all. I am going to try again really soon.


When you are dealing with people in the mental health industry there is not too much that you can throw at them that they haven't seen before ;)

All the best!
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