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By Julie Gregory

Munchausen by Proxy is a relatively uncommon yet dangerous disorder which may be seen in mothers whose innocent victims are their own children, due to the power and accessibility they have over them.

In Sickened, Julie Gregory walks us through her tormented childhood and the multitude of unnecessary medical procedures performed on her, all to meet her mother?s uncontrollable attention-seeking needs, which come from her own unknown struggle with Munchausen by Proxy.

Often starved and tortured, both physically and psychologically, Julie is prepped for medical procedure after medical procedure, right up to the point where the physicians are discussing open heart surgery on a perfectly healthy adolescent, due to her mother?s demands and insistence that this will be the solution that will cure her supposed afflictions.

It wasn?t until Julie entered university and took a psychology class that she learned about Munchausen by Proxy. This new knowledge gave her the strength she needed to take back her life once and for all, and release herself from her mother?s powerful hold.

A compelling read, this book will move you to a place of horror and compassion, its stunning ending leaving you speechless.
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