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I've been hesitating to post this but I think it's time for me to get brave and ask for some wisdom.

Sometimes I have thoughts and impulses to hurt myself. I'm having trouble pinpointing precisely when it started but it was recent, within the past year.

I've only ever acted on the impulses twice. First time was Christmas of 2011 and second was this past weekend. So as you can see there's been a considerable gap of time between these attempts but the thoughts were there lurking, sort of off and on.

I have resisted for the most part because I get the thoughts and urges during times of peaked stress, so my POV is that I don't want to give myself another problem on top of my already-full plate in life.

But I was just wondering if anyone could give me tips or advice on how to ignore and resist those thoughts? Thanks.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Those are just thoughts and what you need to do is recognize that they are just thoughts. A thought does not need to be acted upon nor classified as being good or bad but it is just a thought.
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