More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
Thought I would start a thread about silly or funny experiences we have had with our pets or other animals. Be it our pets or at someone elses home with their pets, at a zoo, or park.

I would like to keep them fun and cute. No scary stories please :)


One particular funny story about my cat Jewel.

This was just a few weeks after I stopped working. I was just sitting quietly in the living room. Didn't have the TV on or anything.

Jewel nonshalantly walked through the living room, jumped up on the dinning room chair then onto the table! She knows she is not allowed there or the counter, everywhere else she has free run.

She layed down on the table, sprawled right out, like she owned it.

I spoke out and said "Jewel, get down!" and the look on her little face was like she was thinking "Where did you come from? Why are you home?"

Odviously she was not yet use to having someone home with her all day. :lol:
Re: Silly pet/animal experiences.

Good thread idea!!

Haha...this one story about my dog cracks me up everytime I tell it.

So one night, I was sitting on the front porch looking at the stars, and I brought my dog outside with me. He's sitting on the porch looking out into the field totally still. Suddenly he farts and because his bum was right on the wooden deck it made this awful loud squeaky noise and he quickly leaps up onto all fours and spins to see whats behind him, almost as if to say "WHOAH, what was that?!?!, where did it come from?!?!, who did that?!?!?!?!"
I thought I was going to die laughing.......
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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