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I had a very creepy experience this morning.
I am usually a very cautious person when I am out. I have every nook and cranny in sight from the corner of my eye to as far as I can see in front etc.

I live on the top level of my apartment building and usually take the stairs which isn't that safe for a female to do but I find it safe enough and well lit.
Anyway on my way back up I decided to take the elevator because I am exhausted from lack of sleep.

I stepped on and thought "hmmm it's dark in here" and when the door closed, it was dark. The light was burnt out and the little emergency light was very dim at the top of the elevator so it was still pitch black.
I started going up and then the door opened and a guy stepped on. Before I could react we were on our way up in the dark.

My anxiety shot up. I tried to make conversation about the light being out and the guy didn't even reply (I don't know if he could not speak English or if he was just creepy). After a decade long elevator ride, that sweet sound "ding" and the elevator door opens. Dude is uncomfortably to close to me, like if the lights were on he would have been curled up in fetal position. Well maybe not that close but close. Creepy.
The door closed and then "ding". I started to freak out again until I realized it was my own floor.
I can't believe how stupid I was or how slow my brain functions I guess.
I think I will stick to the stairs. At least I can see there.

I know this has nothing to do with mental health, well unless we are talking about my lack of brain function, that is a little mental. I just can't believe how daft I can be.

Someone send the sleep fairy my way...please. :notworthy:


Hey that would have alarmed any woman I think,,,the ole fight or flight response, is automatic. Glad it didn't get any creepier for you.

Must be something in the air right now coz my sleep is not so great either. Change of season and mood disorder does not sit well for me.


I'd be scared too, STP. I know that anytime I'm in an elevator and a single male gets in, light or no light, I'm immediately uncomfortable and can't get off soon enough.

I'm glad it all worked out ok, though. Did you let your building maintenance know that the light is out so they can fix it?

Also, if you live in a not-very-good area you might feel safer with one of those personal alarms that attaches to your key-chain, where if you feel threated or unsafe you pull the pin and it emits and blood-curling alarm sound.
always stand by alarm button in elevator that way if anything goes wrong my hand on alarm button fast. I am sorry you had such a frightening experiance i would have been scared as well. Glad you got back to your place safe and sound


I'd be scared too, STP. I know that anytime I'm in an elevator and a single male gets in, light or no light, I'm immediately uncomfortable and can't get off soon enough.

I'm glad it all worked out ok, though. Did you let your building maintenance know that the light is out so they can fix it?

Also, if you live in a not-very-good area you might feel safer with one of those personal alarms that attaches to your key-chain, where if you feel threated or unsafe you pull the pin and it emits and blood-curling alarm sound.

I live 4 blocks away from 17th ave. so it's somewhat ok in the day time but at night it is pretty dangerous. We have to have security guards at night time and our building still gets broken into. They also had to cancel our covered parking because it is really dark and dangerous because it goes far back. They built a fence across the drive but put in a gate so in my opinion they just made it more unsafe.
I have pepper spray but it just shoots out a little stream. I'd be better off pinning an attacker down and dropping tabassco sauce in their eyes. I have bear spray that I could carry around. I would end up setting it off some how though. Same with a personal alarm. I would set it off once and humiliate myself and never carry it again. I think I work better with either running or fighting back. I may look pathetic but I can handle my own if I have to.

As far as talking to management about getting it fixed I am not going to bother. That is something people use often enough that I am sure it will be fixed right away if it isn't already. I had enough trouble trying to get my heat fixed. I live in low income housing and the repair people have their work cut out for them all over the city. It's really up to our landlord to report these things or fix them but he is never here.

Do you have one of those alarms Turtle?

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

always stand by alarm button in elevator that way if anything goes wrong my hand on alarm button fast. I am sorry you had such a frightening experiance i would have been scared as well. Glad you got back to your place safe and sound

That is a good idea Violet.:goodjob: Not for my building though. Our "alarm" has had the bell disconnected and just goes "Buzz". lol I think because to many people have pushed it either by accident/in need/or just being bratty.
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