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I think this is the right place to post this. I am beginning to examine certain things in therapy, mainly my beliefs and feelings. I am worried about the future and my relationship. I worry that maybe I will really examine myself and my relationship will change. Is this a common worry. I have a very good boyfriend and I know our communication is not the best but we work on it. I just worry in general that I will change, will the relationship? maybe for the better?


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Re: small worry

It is common. And you will and are changing Boi, and so is your boyfriend no doubt. Has your relationship gotten better since you have been in therapy?

I watched an interview with Will Smith a couple of years back. He talked about his relationship with his wife. What he said is that they both know that everyone changes, so when they get up in the morning they check in with each other. They make note of the little changes and adjust. It was a very cool interview. And they have been married for years.


Re: small worry

hey ladylore
yeah, I think my relationship has been better. I realize more things about myself and I'm able to communicate it better. Which leads to less arguments because I have expressed it properly.
I guess its a worry that I will change and he wont...But evidence so far has shown me that he is willing to be open, but I still worry
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