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Alright, So I`m considering getting help with SAD very soon. I'm 18 and I don`t want to drag this on with me any further. I just need to know what I should be looking for such as a psychologist? psycotherapist? psychiatrist? or whatever other doctors? I`d also like to know what the treatment process is like? Should I be expecting medication? By the way, I would say my SAD is pretty mild compared to what I have read, but I suppose SAD`s intensity can change over time? I don't know if this is of any importance, I just thought I would put it out there.



Re: Hey! I need a preview :S


Thank you for posting your concerns. You are to be commended for your courage to share your concerns and for your realization that you cannot deal with your sadness by yourself.

It's not uncommon for everyone to feel sad at times, but if you are feeling sad, hopeless and without energy so often that it interferes with your life, then it is time to get help.

We cannot say here what might be going on, because only a qualified health professional can make that determination, after interviewing you and getting your medical history.

You should know that mood disorders are treatable medical illnesses, so you should not hesitate to speak to your doctor.

Do you have a family physician (general practitioner) you see on a regular basis?

Is there a Medical Services clinic staffed by a doctor at your school?

Doyou live in a place where medical services are easily available?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Hey! I need a preview :S

Steve, I believe stge is talking about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - I've edited the original post to capitalize the references to make this more clear.

Stge, whether medications are advisable will depend on how severe the symptoms are, but certainly many people with SAD do find medications helpful. Others find SAD lights and cognitive behavior therapy helpful.

I would suggest that you look into a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist (but make sure the psychiatrist is one who does therapy and doesn't only prescribe medications) to accurately diagnose you and make recommendations as to the best treatment for you.


Re: Hey! I need a preview

I thought that Stge was talking about Social Anxiety Disorder being that this post was made in the Anxiety Disorders-Shyness & Social Anxiety Forum.

In any event, welcome to Psychlinks Stge :welcome2:

I would have to agree with David that obtaining a referral to a good psychologist or psychiatrist is probably your best starting point.

Good luck and I hope to see you around :wave:


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Re: Hey! I need a preview

Hi Stge - Welcome to Psychlinks. :hello:

I agree with Dr. Baxter that finding a psychologist or psychiatrist who also does counselling would be best.

Good luck. :)


Re: Hey! I need a preview

oh man sorry about being so unclear, I was talking about social anxiety disorder.
Re: Hey! I need a preview

hi stge, nice to meet you! :welcome: i can only echo what has been recommended already. let us know what you decide to do and what happens :)


Re: Hey! I need a preview

I have severe social anxiety, but it's part of a complex of other difficulties - including PTSD. So I can really only speak from my own experience of treatment for that, and what helps me.

And, welcome. :)
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