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Resident Canuck
I read an artical before (wish I could remember where and who) the person said they make a special box for when they are feeling down.

Things that bring them comfort.

I thought it was a great idea. So was thinking to make a thread of ideas of what makes us comfortable and happy. Things we could put in a special box to bring out to give us comfort in our low days.

What brings you comfort and makes you happy? What would you store away for the low days to help brighten the day for you?
Re: Special box of comfort and happy things.

Ok, don't laugh, but I have this little stuffed bear that my mom bought for me. I loved that bear and slept with him for a long time. LOL.

I would put pics of my kids and some sunsets and flowers. Playdoh? LOL. I like playdoh. I know it's messy, but it smells good and it's fun.


Resident Canuck
Re: Special box of comfort and happy things.

No one will laugh CD. I have a little bear my mom baught me recently I sleep with too. I also have a piece of silk fabric I sleep with too cause I like how it feels :blush:

Playdoh would be great. I use to like Silly Puddy too.

I cannot think of things right now but maybe tomorrow I can. Other than a nice bottle of rootbeer to enjoy, I love rootbeer too.


Re: Special box of comfort and happy things.

This is such a great idea!

I would certainly need to have some chocolate along with some of my favorite DVD's. They would have to be dumb romantic comedies, I just love those predictable happy endings. If I was really down, I would most likely get a smile from a penguin stuffed animal as well. Oh, and more chocolate!


Resident Canuck
Re: Special box of comfort and happy things.

This is such a great idea!

I would certainly need to have some chocolate along with some of my favorite DVD's. They would have to be dumb romantic comedies, I just love those predictable happy endings. If I was really down, I would most likely get a smile from a penguin stuffed animal as well. Oh, and more chocolate!

I just wish I remember where I read of this idea, cause I just remembered I read it somewhere.

I like penguins too :teehee:

Chocolate is good. I could put some Truffles... yumm and only need a few cause they have such rich taste :)
I actually have a box for this exact reason, and I'll share what is in it.

I have...

My teddy from my therapist
A stack of nice cards I received from family and friends
My Blankie from when I was born
My Letter from my birthmom
Pictures of my mom, my dog, my cat, and my horses
My favorite movie (homeward bound)
A tin with a candle in it of my favorite smell (Apple Cinnamon)
A Necklace, from a dear friend who passed away.

That's all...hopfully some of that doesn't seem too strange... :)
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