David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
There was a man walking along a beach after a storm. The strong waves had washed hundreds of starfish onto the shore.
The starfish would dry out and die if they lay in the sun for very long. The tide was not going to come in far enough soon enough to save them.
The man walking along the beach knew this. Each time he came to a starfish, he would pick it up and hurl it into the deep water of the ocean, saving it from certain death.
A man coming from the other direction, walking along the same beach, observed the starfish tosser. When he came close enough, he spoke.
?There are hundreds of starfish on this beach,? the realist said. ?You are tossing in a few of them, but you are not making a difference.?
Picking up another starfish, the man said, ?I?m making a difference to this one,? and he tossed it into the deeper water.
There was a man walking along a beach after a storm. The strong waves had washed hundreds of starfish onto the shore.
The starfish would dry out and die if they lay in the sun for very long. The tide was not going to come in far enough soon enough to save them.
The man walking along the beach knew this. Each time he came to a starfish, he would pick it up and hurl it into the deep water of the ocean, saving it from certain death.
A man coming from the other direction, walking along the same beach, observed the starfish tosser. When he came close enough, he spoke.
?There are hundreds of starfish on this beach,? the realist said. ?You are tossing in a few of them, but you are not making a difference.?
Picking up another starfish, the man said, ?I?m making a difference to this one,? and he tossed it into the deeper water.