More threads by dharma


Hi all, am new here,

am 28, Male, noted stress 3 years back, taken a treatment for that (actually I don't know what was that, later I knew about it). With such kind of treatment got other problems like anger, more weight, dull mind, fear, lack of patience, etc.

With these problems came to a decision of stopping the usage of medication (didn't know not to be stopped, of course taken help of other doctor (psychiatrist) apart from the one who have been observing me from the beginning), stopped for 2.5 months So went into depression. Later started again with double dose as per doctor (psychiatrist) advice.

Now what I have main problem is In-balance in the body (it's shaking a lot), it's a small kind of movings inside even out side can be observed (am not able to explain it exactly).

As the months gone after re-starting of the treatment, now the dose is reduced to half again, am even taking help of Pranayama of YOGA strongly. Its helping me a lot but its helping for stress relief and for depression... but body moving kind of things doesn't comes under it (as per my knowledge coz it came with the double dose directly).

Please help me to cure these problems which came with the medication and wants to take a good treatment so I need best hospital in India, If any body knows please let me know,

Am good now, no depression, anxiety(what ever the problem was their in the beginning, they are gone with Pranayama and medication, as per my knowledge).

  • does anyone come across these problems?
  • doctor can be changed?
  • came off medication?
  • gone to POWER YOGA? good centers in India with ayurveda?
  • best hospitals in India?

thanks a lot,
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

I assume by "treatment" you mean medication? What was/were the medication(s) used, over how long a period of time, and what were the dosages?


Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

yea I mean treatment is medication,
-> from feb 2006 to sept 2007 was cypralex 0.5mg
-> fromm sept 2007 to 2008 january lamitor 50 OD
-> 1month break for all
-> again started after knowing that something s going wrong.
-> from feb2008 to may20008 was lamitor 100 OD
-> given 2.5 months of break till July 20th, mean while was good for few days and again noticed sevior depression with some kind of games and all I didnt see much problem but later on (mostly in July been to much depression specually phisical problems, like left side nerve system in-balanced) exact depression i saw.
-> from July 20th of 2008 was using 150 OD(with new doctor of spain suggesion, as I changed the country, actually medication started in India with a Indian doctor) for October(in september i have started YOGA) so I told doctors to reduce some.
-> from October 2008 , was 100 OD(here I started PRANAYAMA), got much relief and got much confidance.
-> in my next visit in december with doctor , reduced to 75 OD, now am continueing the same.
-> My old doctor from India suggesting me to take 150 OD of lamitor again apart from other tablets aslo ebing refered.
-> Now am good withought depression , anxiety .. but my body is moving , left side body is weaker.

-> i get much relief with Pranayama of 1.5hrs but basic problems are their but cant be seen correctly(I hope).

Please suggest me, any special treatment is needed?
does any one knows a good hospitals in India(as India is corrupted, people r in hunt of money so there s no honesty seen).

even the treatment was not needed at the begening but somehow the doctor letted me, reason not clear in any manner.

So am doubting him, here what I know is a paciant needs trusted one, loved one, but i dont have on my doctor, so what I do now?

thanks .......... a lot...........

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

Lamitor (lamotrigine, aka Lamictal) is most often used as a mood stabilizer in bipolar disorder, although it is also used to treat certain types of epilepsy (partial seizures).

I don't think anyone here is in a position to give you advice on which medications you should be taking. I would strongly advise you to consult a psychiatrist, preferably one with a specialty in psychopharmacology or mood disorders, and follow that doctor's advice.


Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

Hi David,
!does any one knows a good hospitals in India(as India is corrupted, people r in hunt of money so there s no honesty seen).

even the treatment was not needed at the begening but somehow the doctor letted me, reason not clear in any manner.

So am doubting him, here what I know is a paciant needs trusted one, loved one, but i dont have on my doctor, so what I do now?

as am doubting his streatment , but now only have this doctor, cant see other world(doctors), wt to do now?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

I don't have any information about physicians and psychiatrists in India but I assume that there must be some sort of association such as the College of Physicians and Surgeons who could give you information.


Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

Here's a starting place for you Dharma.

Hi Jazz!
thanks a lot,
really thank u very much, trying to get good treatment, atleast good environment, not commercial hospitals..

please more suggestions are most welcome



any stopped medications permanantly?& safe?

has anyone else gone through the experience of being taken off medications? Or stopped medications? "

please its just a information that am asking, any guys knows about any one who come out from this mediactions?

and safe? HOW? WHERE?
thanks friends



Account Closed
Re: any stopped medications permanantly?& safe?

Hi Dharma,

Are you asking because you want others to explain what they went through when they went off the medications? Or, are you asking because you want to know how to get off the medications?


Re: any stopped medications permanantly?& safe?

Hi Jazz,

am asking becouse , I want to get off the medication, ofcourse I have started this mediaction for simple reason, So now am working hard with Pranayama kind of YOGA(one from Indian says its much powerfull like this mediaction) and am communicatiing with my doctor frequently(am in Spain, here its free) she says if the health is getting improved and maintaining the same status for time then can be reduced so that if years goes can take off.

dont know I might be correct or not, so am here to know others view on this.

please let me raise the issue in good manner, please advice me more.
welcome to all on it


Account Closed
Re: any stopped medications permanantly?& safe?

I'm happy to hear you're under medical care Dharma. And thank you for explaining. It sounds to me that you're asking members here if, after years of being on certain medications, they've managed to get healthier and so could stop taking the medication. And all of this with under the care of a doctor.:)

What medications have you been taking Dharma? Maybe others who have experience with those medications can give you their experiences? Also, what is your diagnosis? Why are you taking those medications?


Account Closed
Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

Hi Dharma,

You state on another thread that you are currently in Spain. And, that you are seeing a doctor there? Are you still seeing that doctor? If you are, why don't you ask him/her for referrals to some good hospitals? Or, are you saying that you're going back to India soon?


Re: any stopped medications permanantly?& safe?

Hi All, here is my medication report and status and its result from begening.

-> a working IT employee
-> unexpectedly taken Psych-treat for(stress, doctor told me that it was anxiety) .
mediaction taken-> from feb 2006 to sept 2007 was cypralex 0.5mg
-> from sept 2007 to 2008 january lamitor 50 OD
-> 1month break for all
-> again started after knowing that something s going wrong.
-> from feb2008 to may20008 was lamitor 100 OD
-> given 2.5 months of break till July 20th, mean while was good for few days and again noticed sevior depression with some kind of games and all I didnt see much problem but later on (mostly in July been to much depression specually phisical problems, like left side nerve system in-balanced) exact depression i saw.
-> from July 20th of 2008 was using 150 OD(with new doctor of spain suggesion, as I changed the country, actually medication started in India with a Indian doctor) for October(in september i have started YOGA) so I told doctors to reduce some dose.
-> from October 2008 , was 100 OD(here I started PRANAYAMA), got much relief and got much confidance.
-> in my next visit in december with doctor , reduced to 75 OD, now am continueing the same.
-> My old doctor from India suggesting me to take 150 OD of lamitor again apart from other tablets aslo being refered.(according to Indian doctor referance, I have started 3other medicines , 1stablon(ctianeptine),2 aplaz 0.25mg (clonazepam),3 ropark 0.25mg.
-> Now am good withought depression , anxiety .. but my body is moving , left side body is weaker.

please suggest me, give me more information
! om shanti shanti shanti hi!


Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

Hi Jazzey!

first of all I wanna thanks for ur concern abt me, am really happy today,,

yea, am in contact with local doctor even with Indian doctor but regularly with LOacal Spain doctor.
-) I dont they know abt hospitals in India? even then, I do so
-) yes, in few days am going back to india for few days, So I want to check up again.

please suggest me..
what should do actually, even i AM thinking of going for Ayurveda and YOGA along with medication, shall I?

thanks a lot dear!
May God Bless you.

! om shanti shanti shanti hi!


Account Closed
Re: Anxiety treatment, depression, now health problem

please suggest me..
what should do actually, even i AM thinking of going for Ayurveda and YOGA along with medication, shall I?

Have you asked your doctors what they think? Where you've mentioned that you have muscle weakness on the left side of your body, I think I would ask my doctor whether I can do yoga along with my medications.


Hi all,
Jazzey! yes, am asking the same, how all (who come out) went through when come out of it,

what should a person need to do more along with the medication to come out off it.

excersizes, yoga, ,,,,,,,etc,,,,,?

if some one come out of it.. then how? what steps have been taken along with doctor advice? and how safe it is?.

thanks a lot , really I apreciate your valuable time.

May god bless you.

!Om shanti shanti shanti hi!


Taking medical treatment and doing exercises gives much relaxation to the brain, but with YOGA (pathanjali) we can go in to deep about its functionality to let the balance of brain waves to come down.

as I was asking people by both ways (medication and YOGA, may be other, can work better) instead of following only one method by taking suggestions from Doctors.

Of course , doctors might not be very much aware of YOGA or they don't trust anything apart from what they are doing.

I saw 25-45% health growth with YOGA along with medication, but I am searching for a person who has experienced these kind of changes, who tried YOGA with gentle.

If some one comes with their own ideas, it will be appreciated.

!om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hii!


doctors might not be very much aware of YOGA or they don't trust anything apart from what they are doing.

I do not believe this statement is consistent with the facts that characterize physicians understanding of alternative or complementary therapies, or attitudes.

What draws you to this conclusion?
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