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A degree of stress is required in all creatures for survival. Western culture as I know it has taken it much farther. Even in peace-time we're demanded to work harder for less. Work faster for less. And the threats of our survival are still all around us. Many that we have no instinct of to defend ourselves. Be it the negative actions of mankind, the forces of nature, or biological and chemical threats. We have numerous threats from people in our local society and international world. Murder, terrorism, our social networks are filled with hatred. Is our climate falling apart disrupting weather patterns and creating super storms or have we always had to deal with extremes? We are told we are responsible for climate change and we need to change our ways to save the planet. The food we ingest and the never ending strains of killer viruses make us believe we should wear hazmat suits.

These are just some of the big world threats. To raise a family, bring up good children in the video game era, save money for their higher education, and try to keep them safe is never ending.

All of these things have a limited time frame to solve. They can drive you mad if you let them. Hope and faith are my strongest weapons. I have to believe that things will work out and there is more goodness than badness to keep the balance of life going.
Focusing on the good that is happening and be a positive force your self will help you to not dwell on the negatives I believe there is more good in this world then bad


They can drive you mad if you let them. Hope and faith are my strongest weapons. I have to believe that things will work out and there is more goodness than badness to keep the balance of life going.

Yes, only if you let them, I agree.

I believe that bad things have occurred on this planet from the time there was more than one human inhabiting it. The big difference today is that virtually instantaneous news transmission from just about every part of the world can overwhelm us with stories of peoples' inhumanity to one another.

However, on a personal level, as people of good will, I believe, we can associate with and support one another. As long as we remain focused on the positive aspects of our lives, and continue making sound decisions and choices about how we conduct ourselves, we can put the odds in our favor that we can live our lives with relatively little trouble.

Of course there are the real unknowns, like unexpected accidents or illness or other unintended events that might adversely affect us, but these are the reality of life that might affect any of us.

I believe we can only do the best that we can do, setting goals and priorities for the benefit of our families, ourselves and our friends and be ready to adapt our life plan when the unexpected comes along.
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