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Survivors of Suicide Day
July 3, 2014

Every year, CMHA ? Calgary Region works with a group of devoted volunteers to present a day of connection and support for people who have lost someone to suicide. This year?s event will be held on November 8, 2014, at Calgary Zoo?s Safari Lodge. This year?s program will include a 2-hour family-focused program in the morning for young children, age 6 ? 12, and their parent(s). The children?s program will be provided by Hospice Calgary. More information to come.

Each year over 200 people attend the event, share their stories, listen to speakers? emotional journeys and support one another as the topic of suicide is brought into the light.

Out of the Darkness Memorial Walk will take place at 7 a.m. on November 8, 2014, before the SOS Day program commences. More information to come.

Every year in Alberta, more than 4,000 people face unthinkable news: a family member, friend, or co-worker has taken his or her own life. In 2010, there were 513 deaths by suicide. While not everyone who dies by suicide has a mental health issue, it is estimated that more than 90 per cent of people who die by suicide has a mental health issue.

Those left behind by a loved one?s suicide cope not only with their grief, but also the isolating stigma that shrouds suicide.

Canadian Mental Health Association ? Calgary Region has hosted the annual Survivors of Suicide Day (SOS Day) since 2005, part of an international network that gives survivors of suicide an opportunity to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss.

Survivors of Suicide Day was created in 1999 by United States Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) who had lost his father to suicide. Each year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) promotes the nationwide event, broadcasted by satellite and on the web, the Saturday prior to American Thanksgiving.

To learn more about you can be involved call (403) 297-1700 or email
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