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Test Yourself! - Do you know everything that you need to know about your medications?

Do you know everything that you need to know about your medications? Use the following checklist to find out. Check off each piece of information that you know about your medication(s) by clicking in the check box. Then print the checklist and take to your doctor or pharmacist. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to learn more about what you don't know.
Do you know:

  • the name (both brand name and generic name) of your medication?

  • what effects to expect from your medication (for example, when it will start working and how it may make you feel)?

  • how much medication to take?

  • how often to take the dose and at what times of the day to take each dose?

  • what you should take the medication with (with food versus without food)?

  • how long you will need to take the medication?

  • what to do if you miss a dose?

  • what you should avoid while taking the medication (for instance, alcohol, certain foods or drinks, or other medications)?

  • if there are any restrictions on regular daily activities (for example, driving a car or operating heavy machinery) while taking the medication?

  • what possible side effects can occur and what to do if they appear?

  • how long to wait before reporting to your doctor that the medication is not improving your symptoms or condition?

  • how to properly store your medication?

  • the expiration date of your medication?

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