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How would a topirmate likely effect someone who wasn't bipolar? Because, both me and my sister on on one (me for my migraines and her for...depression?) and we seem to be having rather different reactions but neither of us are being 'evened out'.


It does help some. :) My sister seems to be having some of the more common symptoms, and it explains why I'm so thirsty. But, why do I feel so agitated when I take it (not anxious, more jumpy and scattered)? And more aggressive? Could it be mixing with the Welbutrin and the SSRI to have that effect? One of my friends told me that I've been more "intense" since I started taking it.:huh:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It does help some. :) My sister seems to be having some of the more common symptoms, and it explains why I'm so thirsty. But, why do I feel so agitated when I take it (not anxious, more jumpy and scattered)? And more aggressive? Could it be mixing with the Welbutrin and the SSRI to have that effect? One of my friends told me that I've been more "intense" since I started taking it.:huh:

I'm not certain about the Topamax, but for some people Wellbutrin can have the effect you describe. It might be time to review your medications with your doctor.
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