More threads by Ashley-Kate

We lie, we manipulate, we do everything in our power to protect her. We glorify her presence inour life, we blind ourselves of the pain that she is really causing. We tell the world how great we feel how she has made us a different and better person. We cherish our capacity to live like no one else, we feel powerfull "wow we can live without food".

We hate ourrselve a little more every day. We are scared yet safe. We want help but we don'T want to be different. We love our familly we love our friends. We are confused, how could this be how could this be bad for us when it felt so good. how could we have lost control of our own "diet" our own control.

When we finally see the eating disorder for what it really is she is not that pretty anymore she is not that nice anymore yet she still has this grasp on us that we can't get away from. We try, but it is hard stepping into this other life this other world that scares us and leaving behind the past that was somewhat comfortable.

And then after multiple hospital stays you made friends with the other girls the other ones that were in the same pain you were, and then you start talking to them when you get out of the hospital, and then you find out that one of your new found friends went back in the hospital and never came out, one of your friends died, the glamorous eating disorder becomes your worst enemy, a murderer, yet you still struggle to get away from it.

Well i say no moe! it will not take my life and i wil fight my but off to make sure it stays away fromt he people i love!
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Re: the fight

I like the personification Ash and the emotions that you've linked to the disorder. Is this part of your book? :)

I hope you (and many others) win that particular fight. :)
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