More threads by David Baxter PhD

Daniel E.
Re: The iPad: First look (by a 2.5 year old girl)

So it's good for babies, not so much for getting things done:

As a toy, as an entertainment platform, the iPad is great (if you don't mind paying for everything you watch). As a work platform, not so much; certainly not at a price point well above that of more versatile netbooks.

Why I returned my iPad

Daniel E.
Re: The iPad: First look (by a 2.5 year old girl... and a cat)

** Catnip not included.

Daniel E.
Re: The iPad: First look (by a 2.5 year old girl... and a cat)

**** Includes reality distortion field.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It seems like a pretty useless toy to me. An oversized smart phone that you can't use as a phone.

Isn't it amazing what the power of marketing and "limited availability" announcements can do? :rolleyes:
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