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Or boys for that matter.
Thinspiration, it makes anorexia seem like a beauty, exercise, drink water, but no eating.
I was reeled into it by a girl in the older years who was holding a speech why anorexia is an art.
Stupidly, I listened and agreed, I haven't ate for 6 days now, and I'm not sure I can anymore. It hurts to eat, when you go through you relise you cant be your self anymore.
I'm going to see a therepist later on, with my friends.
I wanna seek help, soon. Anorexia isn't pretty, if it is beautiful, we're only saying death is beautiful, and speaking from experiance with family member[sister], it's not.



I am glad that you are going to see a therapist and that this is not something that you want to continue and do want help for. I really hope that your appointment with your therapist is sooner rather than later. It sounds as if you could really use to get on some sort of proper eating program now.

Take care
I'm leaving school at 2.30 on Wednesday to go to the local hospital.
My mum will probably force me to eat, even if I don't want to.
you say you stopped eating 6 days ago, is this the first time you've done something like this?

i am glad to hear you're going to see a therapist. it would be great if this could be nipped in the bud :goodjob:
Yes, this is why my body's not used to this.
Yeah thanks. The last thing I want to do is look {{edit: potential trigger}}
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I'm leaving school at 2.30 on Wednesday to go to the local hospital.
My mum will probably force me to eat, even if I don't want to.

I am glad that you are getting help so quickly. It takes a lot of courage to do that :2thumbs:

I know that you may not want to eat but your mom is just trying to do what is best for you and help you.

Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday
Thanks, good to know the site members are supporting people so quickly.
Very kind :)
I know she is, and as soon as I relised what happens to girls that don't eat I couldn't go through :'(
i am really glad you see how destructive anorexia is and so glad that you are taking steps this early on. your health is important! will you update us after your appointment?


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Its ok to feel nervous the first time you see a therapist. And it is easy to get lolled into advertisements and the sort to make you want to look like the models do. But really a healthy diet is the best way to go.

I have had to deal with an eating disorder myself at times. The best way is probably to introduce food slowly. As in a protien shake for breakfast and a piece of toast if you can handle it. Foods that are more higher in calories because you need the energy right now.

Actually protien shakes day or night. They are not meant to replace food but as an aid to help gain your strength back.

If you feel like your being talked into going on a diet again come see us first. I am really happy you found us and that you are seeing a therapist soon.
the thing with anorexia is that is seems so great so fun you feel in controle at first but then reality hits you you get depressed but blame it on everythin else that happens in life but the fact is the anorexia is what is making you sad and depressed never being able to be good enough never reaching your goal! In the end anorexia is not an art it is a form of death nothing else!


Hey.... I'm in treatment for my eating disorder right now. I just wanted to tell you how brave you are, and say that it is soooo hard at first but your life can and will improve beyond your expectations. I used to spend a lot of time on pro-ana sites, and I've come so far in my journey. You can beat this!!
The therepy session went well, but my digestive system shut down so i'll be fed through a tube, take most of my vitamins in injection every week, for the next 12months, basicly a year. :(


I am glad that your therapy went well :) Although it may be difficult to have that sort of food and vitamin intake for the next 12 months, it will be well worth it in the end. Your body will be thanking you for it.


Maybe the tube won't be for the full 12 month though. Hopefully once your body begins to adjust to food again you will be able to get rid of the tube.


I hate the tubefeed. Hopefully it's not that long :( I can empathize!!
Stay strong and keep us posted!
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