More threads by Lonewolf


Its a frightening place to be all alone in!! Billions of people live in this world and yet there's no one to console one tiny being!! No safe place to hide!! No one to hold your hand when you are scared, no one to hug you when you need to feel safe, no one to take control when you don't have the strength!!
It's a fantastic world we live in, isn't it? All those billions of people and still there are souls out there that are isolated and abused and frightened! How does that happen without someone seeing it, hearing it??
Its just brilliant!
How on earth does that happen?
Not so blooming fantastic really!!
Infact I could say it is an absolutely horrific place to be!! But we have no choice.....!!
We don't ask to be born into this world....if we you think we would ask for all the despicable things to happen too?
You need help hun it is there i know how you feel i do i often feel no one is there but if you look in right places there is someone Here is one place Hospital go there and a crisis worker will talk to you. I am sorry you are feeling so alone and i know how hard it is to reach out but do it ok call someone your doctor or someone to help you



Sorry to hear about your current view of the world. Lonliness and isolation can make your circumstances appear the way you are currently seeing them, and this is where you have the power to overcome your circumstances.

Lonliness is a choice, and although socializing may seem intimidating and overwhelming at first, by starting off slowly, you can turn your circumstances around to form relationships with people who can be your friends and ultimately your support system.

None of that can happen in isolation, and that's where you need to make some life choices.

Please have a look at the posted article titled and follow the additional links to the page explaining the Critical Inner Voice within that article to help with some insights and suggestions you might find helpful.

You have already made some significant steps since joining Psychlinks toward working to make changes that can help reorient your frame of mind. You changed your Forum username to leave behind what seemed like an anchor into the the past....perhaps this might be a good time to change your signature byline to something a tad more optimistic for the future.

I have found in my own life that the attitudes with which I live have a definite impact on the actions I take. Negative and pessimistic attitudes result in negative and counter productive actions and results......whereas......Positive optimistic attitudes result in positive productive actions and results.


I don't choose to feel isolated, I just can't relate to people anymore! Seem so distant! I appreciate the firmness in your reply, I'm finding it difficult to be positive about things as you appear to be! I'm working on it! I haven't been able to get back on my feet and dust myself off after the last devastating knock I've had!! :eek:mg:
Just take one day time ok hun hard to dust oneself off i get that but just do something small for you ok Be kind to YOU Lonewolf do small things that bring you comfort hugs


Lonewolf said:
I just can't relate to people anymore!

I didn't say you should throw a dinner party for a hundred of your closest friends.....instead I suggested:

although socializing may seem intimidating and overwhelming at first, by starting off slowly, you can turn your circumstances around to form relationships with people who can be your friends and ultimately your support system.

I understand you are recovering from a traumatic experience, and that full recovery might take time.

In the meantime, I am suggesting that you consider reorienting your thinking to become more forward looking and to work at re-establishing yourself in the social world, one contact at a time.

It seems that your orientation remains focused on the tragic past, and that your every thought and and your every action is governed by the tragic past.

All I am suggesting is that, with the help of your therapists and support systems that you look toward the future, to a healthier state of mind and govern your thoughts and actions toward achieving that healthier state.

You become what you think.

Have you read the article I suggested.....
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