More threads by Lostmarbles

As far as I was aware, thread is something that you push through a needle, in order to sew something, so bear with me as I struggle to figure out all the bells and whistles at this site. Tonight I find the site a bit frightening. So many places to click on to. I don't know if I am even posting this to anywhere, let alone weather or not I have the right place to be posting my words.

I feel it necessary to introduce myself, if I am to be traversing this place of so many "threads".

Gee, I don't know where to start.....thinking...

I grew up in Ottawa. I came from an emotionally and sexually abusive family, that hid behind a veil of respect and admiration from the community. Having grown up at a time when people did not share feelings with each other, let alone recognize their children's needs, I, as a child, learned to look at the world through mistrusting eyes. I am the youngest of three children. My eldest sister has multiple personalities that encompass 29 people. Her hell was worse. My brother was my mentor, my hero,protector, parent, best friend, and what I describe as Dr, Frankenstein- me being his creation.

I carried a passionate hate for my father..well, who didn't... throughout my childhood. My father was the perfect gentleman, as he diddled with me, telling me what a perfect princess I was. At 4 years of age, he took me on one of our usual diddling excursions, to hurdman's bridge. A place that he often took me...remote, beyond other's eyes. That particular day, I was sitting on my ankles, bent over the water's shore, melding with the beauty of clam shell colors, when my father called me to come to him. He was urinating in the river. I felt an uncomfortable feeling inside...not that previous abuses were ever uncomfortable..but I had no wish to go to him. He got angry and demanded that I come to him. He dragged me upwards along the slope next to a train bridge. He pulled me across the bridge to the center, and promptly pulled me upwards, grabbed my ankles and held me upside down over the Rideau river below.

At first I thought this was some kind of great, new adventure he was showing me. As I looked up towards, at the rushing water, I heard him say "I will drop you onto the rocks..your head will split open and kill you, if you ever tell anyone anything about us." This was the first time I ever felt such fear. I learned what it was to fear dieing. My survival instincts kicked in. I found myself laughing and saying "yes daddy, I love you". It was also the first feeling I experienced in life, of loosing the trust and love for a human. I felt fear and hatred. I now know so many reasons for my future behavior, since that day. I have learned to forgive family downfalls, yet now I am left with fears. Not so much from childhood experiences, but from what they drove me to behave like. Those early years influenced my outlook on life.

I will go on a bit more with more present day influences later, but for now, I am a recluse that needs at least 3-4 days to prepare for any outing. I am terrified of people and how they tend to grab at my character. I just wish I could be boring enough to not draw attention. I am in conflict between my needs/desires that keep my psyche strong and with the outer world. Every time I get out there and do what my passions need to do..I end up with people coming out of the woodwork..asking things like "how do you do this?" or "What inspires your creativity?" It feels like I am being fed upon. The more I put part of my being in my artwork or philosophies, the more I end up being suffocated with people who want to know me. I don't want to know them. I think of them as psychic vampires. They terrify me. So, the bottom line is that I feel wonderful with the natural flow of nature and I feel right in belonging to it...I will never be a wall street broker.
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Resident Canuck
Re: thread?

:hithere: LostMarbles :welcome: to Psychlinks.

Yes, you posted your introduction in the right area, no worries.

Glad you joined us :D
Re: thread?

welcome lostmarbles :hithere: a thread is basically a single subject that people reply to. one response after the other to a subject together form a thread - it's a string of replies :) i hope that helps.

i am sorry for the abuse and fear you've been through. no one deserves that. i was wondering if you are currently in therapy to help you deal with the impact of what you have been through?


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Thank you all for welcoming me. Well, I am happy that my rather lengthy intro hasn't ended up as cyber junk mail on some distant planet. On reflection, I don't normally yammer on about such personal things, but am not used to "telling people about myself". As I visit and figure out where, what I do etc, here, I am looking forward to AL these amazing articles, suggestions and feedback! I wish I could reach doctors out there who don't believe that an internet site can help people, or don't feel that reporting on discoveries and new, innovative ways to help destroy mental illness can benefit via internet. I am proof that internet information has helped me get over many hurtles and opened my eyes enough to move forward. Now if I could just figure out how to navigate....oh, ok... I click "post reply" goes

I appreciate how welcomed I am here. My childhood nasty stuff has worked itself out to the point where I forgive. In 1990, I joined a councelling group for those who had been sexually abused. It was an amazing group, that taught, shared, and supported every member. What I am just now, over the past few months, discovering, is that I have been forcing myself to be who I am not.

After being asked to teach children fine arts, I experienced a feeling of belonging and continued this job, by opening my own business...teaching extra-curricular activities within the schools. I was so elated to have found somewhere I belonged. I could combine all of the things I loved, into one big mass of work. Four years into the business, and it was growing out of my control. I found myself working for over 18 hours a day, seven days a week. One evening, as I was finishing off some props for a school play, my class was to perform, I heard a metallic snapping sound in my head. I couldn't move. That summer I struggled to walk. The pain in my feet felt like all the bones had been crushed. Nothing could touch my feet, including the floor, to walk on. I moved myself to the couch and there I stayed for almost 4 years. I couldn't go out, take care of my home or pets.

At that time, my common-law husband found it easy to increase his drinking habit. Our finances dwindled away, and when he was thrown out, I was left with a rundown house, debts, and the risk of utilities being cut off. The one saving grace was that in order to save my sanity, I began sculpting cartoons. I no longer had cable tv, so my option was to watch countless hours of the time repeats on mad cow disease. I was going in the attempt to make lite of it, I sculpted a really mad cow. She was in farmer Brown's basement, one hoof holding a freezer door open, while the other hoof holding a package of beef. Needless to say, she really was a mad cow. That was the beginning of a different direction for me.

I became a wee bit obsessed with my 3D cartoons. My binder of drawings now houses over 1200 doodled ideas. Back at the ranch...I couldn't stop making these cartoons. Everything that might be considered serious took on a humorous feeling. I was like a survival mechanism, to avoid becoming depressed. I started seeing a psychiatrist, in the hopes that he could make some sense out of my perspective and the beginnings of depression. Unfortunately, he was only working part time, having been brought out of retirement..and couldn't offer any sessions.

Instead he put me on a very diet of anti-depressants. None of them worked, as he prescribed a different one every 6 weeks. I was on effexor, when I got fed up with pill taking. I called the receptionist, reported that I was going off the meds, and to tell the doctor. I never heard anything back. Going off meds suddenly is not good for me. I went into severe depression that ended up putting me on disability. The one good thing now, is that I find cognitive behavior therapy works for me. I have been drug free for 3 years now, and am learning to recognize the up and coming waves of depression, and have, so far, been able to prepare myself. As a result, I don't fall into the tarpits from hell. I just get down. The down times don't last so long either.

All of this has also taught me to see who I am. Solitude and the chance to create are not unhealthy for me. I don't have to blend in with the party folks or crowd lovers. So, for now, it's the beginnings of handling stresses, and panic attacks.

I'll just be on my way I am expecting a cyber bill for all the paper I've used up, typing this!!!!! kidding..but I bet this has helped those who suffer from lack of sleep...:D
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