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Daniel E.
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Re: Time Management lecture by the late Randy Pausch

Randy is without doubt, one of the people I admire most in my life. I've been watching his videos since before he died, and this man is inspiring and uplifting. It's long - over an hour, but definitely worth watching.

He has another video called the Last Lecture, as well as a book by the same name. I highly recommend both.

Daniel E.
Re: Time Management lecture by Randy Pausch

First Things First
by Therese Borchard, author of Beyond Blue

Here's my daily dilemma: how do I get the 48 tasks I need to accomplish done in the 15 hours that I have? It's a bad math equation that never comes out right. The problem, I think, is that I categorize everything as "urgent" when it really isn't. That's what Stephen Covey says in his bestseller "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People." The third habit of highly successful people? Put first things first. Here's how.

YouTube - Beyond Blue: First Things First (Time Management)
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