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i know everyone says take care of me but it is unrealistic when there are so many ill in one family.

My mother back in hospital only home one day and readmitted chest pain on iv looking gray I couldn't wake her today so i let her sleep.

My daughter sick all over my vehicle all over everything sick all night find out she od on pills she bought from pharmacy and did other things took her into hospital today

had to take my brothers shopping my sister shopping Now cleaning up the puke and laundry

Told husband he would have to take care of his mother i am too tired Then my mothers bank account all screwed up had to go fix that matter.

When you are the only well person it is so hard because you are needed so much. Income tax time god i hate this I think this year i will just pay to have mothers and brothers income tax done it is too stressful The little things add up it seems and i try so hard to deal with one at a time

I try to explain to them i am tired i try but they are needy no fault of their own. My twin has offered to take my daughter to treatment house on feb 26 for interview i think i will let her take her as i want nothing to do with anyone now. My husband knows i am done he knows my thoughts he has told my daughter to back away from me let me breath.

I hope my thoughts go away soon i don't want to hurt anyone but i don't want to be here anymore i don't want to deal with any more there are too many ill too many sad and i am trying so hard not to be sad because i am needed

i am sorry just rambling now Pray my mother gets well and my daughter gets some help she sabotages everything


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I'm sorry Violet. :hug::hug: That is really overwhelming. Can your husband help out a little?
lol my husband will take care of his mother as he knows i stop with my family. He doesn't know what to do with my daughter he walks away it is under his care she knows she can get away with anything he lets her run free.

i am glad my twin agreed to take my daughter on 25 of this mth as i don't have it in me to face anyone anymore. i am done i will pray the hospital take care of my mom everything will work out

everything will be fine they will have to look after things now sorry everything is good now
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