More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
  1. Go to Google Maps and click on 'Get Directions.'
  2. Type 'USA' as your start point.
  3. Type 'Japan' as your destination.
  4. Go to the 31st point on your route:
  5. Driving directions to Japan

    • 35 days 18 hours
      I-84 W
      8,828 mi
    This route has tolls.- more info ?

    icon_greenA-1.pngUnited States

    1. Head northeast toward 3900 Rd

    2. Turn right at 3900 Rd

    3. Continue onto Independence Ave

    4. Continue onto 3900 Rd

    5. Turn right at US-166 W


    30. Turn right at NE Northlake Way

    31. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean Entering Hawai 2,756 mi

    32. Continue straight

    33. Turn left at Kuilima Dr
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