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Sorry for the grammar. I wanted the title to fit.

Ever since I can remember, I've had trouble falling asleep. I do have a history of head trauma, though I'm not if it's actually affected my brain. It's worse than when I was four... It used to be around... Well, I don't remember how long it took me to fall asleep when I was four. But I do know that now, it usually takes four hours, and can take up to six.

I don't wet the bed. I've moved and talked a few times while asleep, but I've never really walked or anything like that.

I've read a bit, and I've got a hunch that all of my stress is the primary factor in why falling asleep's become so much more difficult. I also think this is the reason why I've been having more intense headaches and headaches more frequently, too...

As stated in the thread title, my family won't let me have meds ("It's discipline. You just have to discipline yourself." "Just lie down and close your eyes." "it's because you don't have good sleeping habits! You always start sleeping late!" I think the last quote is really, really, infuriating...), and I can't exactly afford to see any sort of specialist. I know this might sound sad, but... Please help me. :begs:

It's a cycle, a terrible, terrible cycle... My parents, they comment every other day on how late I wake up. And then they start going on and on how undisciplined I am and berating me and whatnot. I seem calm about it now, but whenever it happens, it really hurts... I get more stressed out, even if thirty seconds after I have trouble recalling their exact words and what I was thinking just seconds before. More stress... It hurts... I cry after some of thos "incidents," too. And after I cry, I start fealing unbearably lethargic and sleepy... All I want to do is sleep after I cry (and this is both during and after the subsequent headaches). But I can't sleep. I can't sleep during the day... It'll make things worse...
sleep is very important. your home life sounds very detrimental. i don't know how old you are, so i don't know how realistic it is to try and move out. if you are under 18 i would recommend you speak with the school nurse and school counsellor. if you are over 18, go see your doctor on your own, and possibly a counsellor on campus (wherever it is you go to school). talk to them to find out what your options are.


I'll be looking forward to your responses to ITL's questions.

Sometimes people feel that medications or other medical strategies to treat conditions such as sleep disorders, anxiety, depression or other emotional or mental health disorders are a crutch, and that resorting to medical treatment is a sign of personal weakness.

These notions come from a misunderstanding that insomnia can have not only a neuro-chemical (brain chemistry) but also a physical origin which might benefit from medical treatments. Insomnia needs to be evaluated by a qualified medical professional to determine the root cause of one's difficulty to sleep.

If you are able to consult a physician through your school or perhaps a walk in clinic, if you cannot easily see your family doctor, I would advise you to do so and explain your situation.

In the meantime, have alook at this post which outlines some strategies that can help with sleep.

In addition, look through the Mayo Clinic Sleep Center, exploring all the various links on that site. They have some very helpful information there.


Family doctor... I might be able to convince my parents if I go with the "family doctor" route... A check-up... And then I'll mention my sleeping difficulties... Yes, that's it... I wonder when our next check-up is?

Wait, that's probably not going to work... My father splurges when it comes to his family's birthday and his own entertainment, but for everyone else, he's just a cheapskate.

I'm in an "independent study program," so the school really only has a counselor. I've actually been looking for her number without asking for my mother's help (she has the papers)... But by now, I guess I should let her know I need those papers. The problem is with her being involved... I hate it when I have to involve other people unnecessarily... But if it's the only way, then I guess I will.

Wish I could move out, but I can't. I'm under fifteen...

Thanks for the advice. I've considered doing what you've said before, but I was too pessimistic about them, perhaps... But now that someone's suggested them, I've got more confidence in them.


One of the responsibilities of becoming an adult is to be in charge of your own healthcare. By doing research, as you are doing, will help you gain insight into how to best deal with your situation.

Difficulty to fall asleep is often caused by anxiety, looping thoughts and intrusive thoughts.

By understanding how some of these intrusive thoughts can dominate your thinking and prevent you from falling asleep can help to overcome the control of these thoughts.

Have a look at this post, which contains a link to controlling intrusive thoughts.

I have found the strategies outlined in the link to help me fall asleep when intrusive thoughts invade my thinking.
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