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For some reason I still have huge reservations about it, but I'm not really in the mood to die over a flu. When I die, I wanna die in a cool way. The flu is kinda boring...


Re: Swine Flu Bulletins and Information

Haha. Cool as in...interesting...funky...not like other people...something people will talk about long after I'm gone...


Resident Canuck
Re: Swine Flu Bulletins and Information

Haha. Cool as in...interesting...funky...not like other people...something people will talk about long after I'm gone...

Funky like this? :teehee:

The test results come in for a patient and the doctor asks:

"Would you like the good news or bad news first?" The patient says, "the good news"

The doc replies "Well the good news is you are having a disease named after you......"
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Re: Swine Flu Bulletins and Information

Turtlitis-a peculiar condition in which a person thinks they are a turtle. The patient usually presents with head tucked into sweater or shirt (depending on the type of turtle) with the odd peek from the neck hole. Little is known about this condition but it is most often fatal. The cause of death is usually suffocation on there own shirt.


Actually I think YOU hijacked it, Dr. B, with your hypothermia comment, but let's not getting into nit-picky details, shall we?

STP - I don't "think" I'm a turtle. I "know" I'm a turtle. :D


I wanna die in a cool way.

Cryogenics come to mind:) How about having your body frozen and sent out into space to another planet, but you never get there because the space ship gets attacked by aliens! Thats a cool way, certainly not boring, and you would make the news and go down in history:lol:

"A frozen Turtle gets Hijacked by aliens"


i want zombies to come, and the last surviving individuals are me and a small group of people. but WAIT, theres a twist, ONE of them knows something that the OTHERS don't. secretly they're a government official who created the zombie virus and the only ancedote IS ZOMBIE TEARS MUHUHAHA. somewhere along the line, one person is forced to trust someone and it turns out that they come through; even though in the past their history wasn't good, now they're friends.
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