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I was told this by a friend recently (who goes through similar panic issues)
Ohh no..stay away from the xanax..switch to valium. Detoxing off xanax is hell. I was takin a lot more than the max dose for years. Not good. Thats why valium is better its longer lasting

Anyone agree/disagree with this from experience? If so maybe I should ask my Psychiatrist (who I won't be able to see till late in September)



I think that medications work differently for everyone. What works for your friend may not necessarily work for you. And what withdrawal experiences your friend had you may not experience. Everyone's body and chemistry is different.

In my honest opinion, you should keep with the medication regime that your doctor has worked out. It is personalized based on your medical history and your conditions and if you have concerns about one medication being better than another, that is something that together the two of you should explore at your next appointment. In the meantime however, I would strongly recommend that you not make any changes on your own and wait to speak with your doctor.
Ive suffered with panic attacks/aniexty for many years and use only valium and find it works brillant for me. Im only allowed so many and I only use them when absolutely necessary and only for a few days at a time as they can be addictive. I have no experience of Xanxa. If you do want to try another drug I agree with Halo discuss it with your GP first, as valium might not be suitable for you, only your GP can give you that type of advice based on your history etc.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
1. Valium is a much stronger drug with a much greater potential for addiction than thje tranquilizers commonly prescribed today.

2. I strongly recommend that you stop listening to what friends have to say about medications and talk directly to your physicians. Would you be looking for second opinions from your friends if your doctor diagnosed you with heart disease or cancer? Leave medicine to the professionals.


1. Valium is a much stronger drug with a much greater potential for addiction than thje tranquilizers commonly prescribed today.

2. I strongly recommend that you stop listening to what friends have to say about medications and talk directly to your physicians. Would you be looking for second opinions from your friends if your doctor diagnosed you with heart disease or cancer? Leave medicine to the professionals.

Well I would have agreed if I had my old private psychiatrist. But now I'm forced to use VA clinics. This psychiatrist has no medical records about me (and hasn't asked for any) and only has been treating me for about 3 months. This particular psychiatrist pretty much gives me whatever I ask for, at what ever dose I want, and doesn't tell me anything about withdrawl, dependency, or side-effects unless I ask directly. So this is why I turn to friends and you guys because I pratically have to play my own doctor.
you're already using xanax, so why bother switching to something else that you don't know how you will respond to?

i agree that everyone is different and what works for your friend might not for you. everyone's body chemistry is unique.


How about asking your old psychiatrist to send the new one your file.

Yepper I already sent away for the treatment copies from my old psychiatrist, still waiting on them. But for another reason (to apply for service connected disability), so ya, good idea, I think I'll make a spare copy for my psychiatrist. Not sure what good it will do, but I've found with psychiatrists you really have to "help them help you" in some fashion.
Thanks for the advise :)
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