More threads by Thelostchild

I tried so hard to control myself when my husband and I were aruging but I just exploded and put my fist through the wall and now im in a a brace. that was very foolish of me
Wow thank god im the only one posting on my own post. haha more sarcasm. Im glad my bruse on my face is going away and this stupid brace had got to come offff


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When are you getting the brace of TLC? :) As for not posting on this thread, sorry TLC, I guess I wasn't sure what to say with respect to your post...Your post seemed more like venting to me.
yeah I was just venting.. Im not sure when the brace comes off I have to ask my husband. you didn't have to post I was being silly


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I never feel obligated to post TLC ;) And I know you were being silly. But I also didn't want you to think I wasn't reading every word! :) I'm hoping that brace comes off really soon! Are you in a better place now (re: frustrations)?


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I think on another thread, a while back now, we had talked about the possibility of the two of you seeing a counselor. Did you ever do this?
ThelostChild i hope your not in too much pain. I think getting councilling for both you and your husband would help especially with the anger outburst take care mary
I think that we are eventually going to marriage counseling, but right now he will be having surgery the 19th for a vesctomy reversal. I am however am seeing a psychiatrist.. I do have an anger problem.


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I'm happy to hear that you have some support TLC. I think I already knew that you had therapy for yourself. And hopefully the two of you can seek some counseling.

In the meantime, feel free to lean on us here :)
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