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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
West Nile virus worsens in Ontario
CBC News
Aug 27, 2012

Parts of province 'looking at is a fairly significant swing,' health officer says

The number of West Nile virus cases is climbing in parts of Ontario, experts say.

Toronto Public Health said the city has seen 38 human cases this summer as of Monday.

"It's worrisome," said Ontario's Associate Chief Medical officer of Health Dr. Doug Sider. "What we're looking at is a fairly significant swing in the number of cases."

This summer follows a decade of ebbs and flows in the number of human cases in Canada, which stood at 62 as of Aug. 18, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

In 2002, 414 cases were reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Last year, there were 101.

So far, the number of cases in Ontario is higher than in the province's record year of 2002, when Ontario had 394 cases that year and 19 deaths.

"In 2002, our epidemic year, we had the same number of positive mosquitoes in any given calendar week as we do now," said Prof. Fiona Hunter, a medical entomologist at Brock University in St. Catharines who tests insects from across the province.

"So that would tell me we're in for another epidemic year."

Sider and Hunter attributed the upswing to heat early in the summer, which created breeding opportunities for mosquitoes.

There is a risk of getting West Nile virus into the first few weeks of September, Phil Curry, an entomologist with the Saskatchewan's health ministry, said last week.

West Nile is transferred through mosquitoes that carry the virus, but officials say most individuals who are exposed show no symptoms.

Recommended preventive measures include:

  • Using mosquito repellent with DEET.
  • Wearing long sleeved light coloured shirts and pants.Make sure that door and window screens fit tightly and have no holes that may allow mosquitoes indoors.

Roughly 20 per cent of people who are infected may show some flu-like symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches and pain.

A very small number of people who are infected could develop neurological symptoms that can cause paralysis, coma or ? in rare cases ? death.
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