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This is going to sound very strange, but I'm going to put it out there anyway.

Between September and May I basically work seven days per week. Occasionally I'll take a day off here and there but it's go go go.

In June, I decided to take weekends off for July and August. The first weekend was ok - I had lots planned so that was good. The second weekend I took my dogs herding. Last weekend I did nothing. This weekend I have nothing on.

So I suppose my question, if it is that, is, "what does one do with two days straight of nothing to do?" It's noon where I live, I'm still in bed, being lazy. But, I do feel kinda guilty. I should get up. But I have nothing to do. It's too hot to take the dogs out. I would clean my room but it's in such bad shape I'd need a year, not a weekend. I kinda gave up on it. I thought about going to get a new cell phone, but that'll cost money, which I don't have right now. So here I sit.

What kinds of things does everyone do on their weekend? I'm single, no kids, and well, no friends I suppose. Just me and the dogs. And the heat :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
  1. vacuum
  2. laundry
  3. grocery shopping
  4. catch up on paper work
  5. sleep
  6. hang out with family or friends
...if there's any time left over...
  • see if there's anything interesting or exciting to do :)


Vacuum won't work - my floor would have to be accessible and it currently isn't. I have a path from my door to my bed. I think they say that a messy room/desk is a sign of a brilliant mind. Definitely applies in my case :D

Laundry is a go - I need to do laundry.

Grocery shopping - my mom does that. I don't really eat at home so I don't buy food.

Catch up on paperwork - and I took a day off, why, then? :D Besides, my mom does my paperwork.

Sleep - I'm a big fan of sleep. A really, really big fan.

Hang out with family or friends - well, I have no friends. Not social ones anyway - like, not people I spend time with, really. Family - the parentals are working. Maybe when my mom gets home we can go to the market.

I suppose I could take the dogs for a swim, and then a bath (always bath your dog after swimming!). Brody loves loves loves the river. She's kinda crazy that way.

You forgot to add "hang out with all the cool people on Psychlinks" :lol:


Account Closed
Many times I go window shopping. I enjoy the peace and quiet because I know it won't last long.:panic:

Can you grab your community paper and see what is going on in your area? Maybe a Farmer's Market?

Maybe even catch a movie. I know it may sound hokey - but I saw the first IceAge movie when it came out and I really want to see the other one playing now.

A few ideas. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I have a path from my door to my bed.

That used to be my one rule for my son's rooms when they were teens: "Leave me a path to the window in case we get a storm and I have to close it".

I think they say that a messy room/desk is a sign of a brilliant mind.

More recent research had established that a messy desk is the sign of a messy desk.

A really, really big fan.

Those are good on warm days when the house gets stuffy.

I suppose I could take the dogs for a swim

Hint: This doesn't work well with cats.


Ya I'll wait til my mom gets home and see if she wants to go to the Farmers Market. She'll probably be tired from working, but we can always go tomorrow if she's not working.

A movie might be an idea. Brody has scent hurdle tonight so I have to be home then, but maybe a matinee. I think they are cheaper too. I only have $127 to last me until payday on the 31st, so whatever I do, it has to be cheap :lol:.

I wouldn't mind going for a swim either...I love the water. But it's expensive, so maybe I'll wait for a weeknight when it's only $3 vs $12.50 if I go right now.

I might, might, might bake chocolate chip cookies. That'd be yummy. Then I'm also rewarded for my efforts :D


I think part of my "problem" (although I hardly think of it as such) is that my mom does everything for me.

Let's see...when I do eat at home, she cooks for me. She feeds my dogs. Cleans the yard. Cuts the grass. Cleans the house. Cleans my room (it'll be clean when I get back from Italy). Does my paperwork. Does my errands.

Yup, doesn't leave much for me to do, does it?

Can you tell what my mom's primary love language is?


That's not an excuse one hears all that frequently these days...

It's almost as bad as "I can't go out with you. I have to stay home and wash my hair."

We're competing next weekend, so I really need to make it to practice tonight. Next weekend will be insane, so maybe it's best I chill out this weekend. The weekend after that I'm in Vegas. I even managed to make it a business trip :D


Penny sales make me crazy. Why would I buy more pennies? My penny jar is already overflowing with them. And I think I get ripped - I spend like $5 at a penny sale. I sure don't get 500 pennies. I'm sure of it.
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