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So I have spent this holiday weekend trying to 'diagnosis' my mother. I know that a diagnosis is not necessary...I just want someone to tell me what is wrong...or that it is wrong and I am not crazy.

After reading countless websites, I think my mother may be a narcissist (sp)? This term is the closest that I can find to describe her. Her behavior is absolutely unbelievable and I am tired of trying to explain her to my husband, children, friends and especially myself. I don't even know where to begin.

My sister, who only comes home once a year for three days on Thanksgiving, drives nine hours to get here with a severly disabled child. She called our mother to invite her to a restaurant for dinner. After hum-hawing around on the telephone because we were eating too late at 6:00, she decided she would grace us with her appearance. We pick her up (she doesn't drive)we stand at her doorstep in pouring rain waiting for her to answer, and when she does she has her coat on, doesn't speak to anyone and gets in the car like she is totally disgusted. No hug, hello, how are you, haven't seen you for awhile...nothing. At the restaurant more of the same, but does keep reminding my husband that his mother is sick and not doing well. Very weird conversation and lack of conversation to say the least. Later, she pulls my husband aside and tells him that she doesn't want to say anything in front of me, her daughter, but he needs to visit his mother more I prevent him from doing so!! He just visited her the week before! And mind you, she hasn't seen her daughter for a year and barely speaks to her and her other children have nothing to do with her.

On Thanksgiving day, she calls and informs us that she will not be attending because we are eating too late...dinner was at 3:00 this time. She would like to speak to my sister though (who locked herself in the bathroom and refused to take the phone) because you never know if this will be the last time she gets to talk to her. I think she thought someone would beg her to come...and they didn't. Honestly, I was glad she did not attend. She has in the past and she does nothing but criticize everything and everyone while she is there and for weeks afterwards. She is the most self-absorbed person I know. She has no interest in her children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren and is constantly playing one off against the other. I have siblings that I have not seen in years and I blame her. She is a black hole. I have decided to remove myself and my family from her life. I would have done so sooner, except that I pity her and her pathetic existence. I learned years ago she is incapable of love or emphathy and I have never felt we had a normal mother daughter relationship. Her idea of a relationship is getting people to do for her what she needs or wants.

I know this is a disjointed rant...and I apologize. Can anyone relate to my situation? I am not looking for solutions or answers as I know I can not change her but only change how I react or interact with her. I would appreciate any feedback.


Welcome susan666!

I have decided to remove myself and my family from her life.
This may be helpful for the short term, until you settle down. Talk to people in here and you will find you are not alone, and people in here can tell you how they deal with narcissism.

I have siblings that I have not seen in years and I blame her.
How did she prevent you from seeing them? Follow the link below to see just how much a narcissist affects lives.:(

Be sure and read Narcisstic Personality Disorder in our Personality Disorder section of the forums.

Feel free to rant as you wish!:)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
We cannot diagnose anyone her in an online forum but you don't really need a diagnose to know that your mother behaves in an unacceptable and abusive manner. Some people are just jerks. If she was anyone else but your mother or another close family member, it wouldn't even be an issue: You simply wouild have stopped all contact with her a long time ago. Because she's your mother, (a) out of guilt and (b) because you keep hoping one of these days she'll change and become a normal (nice) mother, you keep giving in and trying to maintain a relationship with her.

I think you know really that this is doomed. She isn't going to change. That means either you have to accept her the way she is and acdept her abuse, change the way you react to her, or cut her out of your life as much as possible.

I don't mean to minimize how difficult and distressing any of these options are. But they are nonetheless all your options.


Thank you both for your replies. For some reason, just seeing her symptoms in print makes me feel better. Apparently, she is not the only one out there who acts the way she does. Yes, I agree I need to learn how to deal with her or stay away from her. I am the only person who has any contact with her out of the family. She is older and does not drive so I pick her up a few times a month to take her to run her errands which can take three or four hours. Usually by the time I am finished dealing with her I am so pissed off I can't even speak to her or I am throwing her bags of groceries at her back door from the driveway and driving is ridiculous. Believe me it is not a wonderful mother daughter shopping outing as some would believe. I have not have contact with any of my other siblings for years. She has made a habit of 'telling' things about the other, that there are so many hard or hurt feelings we just stay away from each other and they from her. In many ways, I think they are very much like her.
I limit my contact with her to a once a month errand run and I invite her to my home for holiday dinners. My youngest brother passed away (suicide) and my siblings would not even call her or attend his funeral. He was her 'golden child' and in her distorted view of him, he was perfect......and he clearly was not. I have one sister that I have maintained a relationship with.


I'm sure it is difficult to remain emotionally detached while having her in your company. As a narcissist, she will push every button and summon every trigger to make you uncomfortable, as she has done throughout your entire life. Now you recognize this for what it is and you see the bigger picture. Your times with her are brief...take the 'high road' and absorb this 'short term' abuse for these brief periods. (unless it is emotionally racking on you) Trying to reason with her is a waste of time. Treat her as someone with a severe handicap where at times kid gloves are better than boxing gloves.


Thanks Yaray. You are the voice of reason (sanity). Sometimes I wonder whether it would be healthy for me to just completely avoid her. She does not appreciate what I do for her, which is a lot compared to others.


Thanks Yaray. You are the voice of reason
Please don't hesitate to tell your friends about me, or take out an ad in the newspaper, or a television spot regarding my 'reason'.....after all, my humility prevents me from doing it, but feel free:)
Hey Susan,
I know where you are coming from.
I am gradually letting myself get further away from my mother. It's tough because of course a lot of people don't understand us folks who have parents like we do. Society was taught that parents, especially mothers, should be loved no matter what. It's almost like a collective unconscious thing: everyone knows you should love your mother.

But those people have normal mothers. lol

I couldn't end my relationship with my mother like ripping off a bandaid. It's more gradual for me. My youngest brother hasn't talked to her in over 5 years. I've recently blocked her from calling our house. I still said I would communicate by emails. The reason I said to her that I would only communicate by emails is: a) when my parents call, she takes over the conversation, b) dad doesn't say anything, and c) when I am done talking to her on the phone, I end up not feeling very good about myself. I could have gone into a much lengthier email than that. But it's best to keep things simple and concise and polite. She broke my rules, so everytime she breaks a boundary rule I made, I put up a section of bricks up for the wall I am building between the two of us. I have mentioned this in other threads, but it's a good analogy. If she behaves and follows my rules, fine. But if she gets contrary with me, I have the right to protect myself.

The last time she spoke to me on the phone, I was trying to help her do something she could have done herself, and then she got short and impatient with me. Her withering tone of impatience at my failure translated to me to mean "How in heavens name could you be related to me? There cannot be anyone more imbecilic than you!" Seriously, that's the tone of voice, but she only uses it when I am on the phone with her, not when dad is listening when they 'both' call in. So I hung up and a few days later blocked her number. Because she kept calling and leaving messages, asking me why I was so upset. Clueless. 8P

If you're position in the family is anything like mine, you probably work the hardest to get the least amount of appreciation from your mom. Getting real love from my mom was futile. I know she isn't well, and possibly had to become that way somehow to survive her upbringing, but she doesn't see anything wrong with herself. It's impossible to convince her of that because the world is out to get her. She's not nuts, but the rest of humanity is! Trying to use logic on a person who can convince a cat that it's a dog is just going to give you an ulcer ...and perhaps a bit of an identity crisis.
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