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I think there is something wrong with me but it is somehow difficult for me to specify what exactly. Can you suggest me any psychological tests which I can use on myself to understand it better? I checked two things, my IQ is 110 and EQ (emotional intelligence) is 80 (in both cases standard scale is in use, i.e. 85-115 ordinary value, 70-85 low, 115-130 high, 70- very low, 130+ very high).

I guess I can write much about myself but, because it is my first post, I'm going to write shortly and wait for responses. (Sorry for my bad grammar but I'm not native in English). One of the issues is that I've got some kind of difficulties with social skills. Let me give an example. When I go by car with good college or sit in the friend's flat, it happens that after some time of talking I fell that my whole face is very tired, kind of trembling or tics. I can feel comfortably with talking to that person but my body says something different.

It is worse if I'm not with one person, especially somebody whom I know, but rather with group of people. Talking to one person is easier because that other person is all the time interested in the talk, it's easier to gain attention. However with the group of people, I can fell bad because I want to say something but I cannot. I don't know what to say, I feel very uncomfortably, I wish the meeting would end soon. If I say something stupid because of my lack of self-confidence, it can even make serious headache.

I'd like to understand myself better so I would be greatful if you can suggest me any tests which I can try to do or articles to read.

Best regards!


Resident Canuck
:hithere: LostSomewhereOnEarth. :welcome: to Psychlinks.

Are you currently seeing a doctor or in any type of therapy?
Some years ago I've been in the hospital twice because of major depressive disorder (it was before 18th birthday, so not in the hospital for adults). I still take Fluoxetine/Prozac and it is much better now (I didn't expect it), this medicine, first of two hospitals and some of my friends helped me, further psychotherapy was a waste of time. However still quality of my life can be improved. Best regards!
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