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What is in a Milestone?

Today I made a choice...a choice to care about myself. I had been seeing this guy for quite a while, and then I had decided to stop seeing him because I felt it would be easier for me to move to Ontario if I wasn't in a serious relationship...and of course because I *hurt* his ego...he shot back some pretty harsh comments, so that was the end of it. Then I started to feel bad, and thought...well maybe we could just be friends, and then it came about that he just wanted to be "friends with benefits", and so...I was going to go over tonight and....I got to his driveway and sat there for about 15 mins - and realized that I deserved more than that....that I was not going to put myself through that....that I was worth respecting my body. For the FIRST time in my life I said no to something when I down right didn't want to do it. Because I'm finally starting to see that I can do better than that - that someday, somewhere I will find a guy that wants to be with me because he loves me for me, not what I can *offer* there I have it. And if I don't find that guy, ever, then so be it, but atleast I won't be subjecting my body to a bunch of lies and abuse.

A little Milestone of my own, I don't believe a Milestone has to be a HUGE thing, or a birthday age or a promotion, I think Milestones can be the little things in life too - like truly learning to love yourself for who and what you are...even if its just baby steps...

*sigh* :D
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