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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Happiness: A Day of Delight
By Carlin Flora
Psychology Today Magazine, Jan/Feb 2009

The man on the street shares what delights him?or her.

A passel of pedestrians reveal what makes them happy, when they are happiest, and how they grapple with bad times.

Shirelle Hammond
Before the birth of my little son, I was happy, but when I had him?even more happiness! He's happiest when he's watching Ellen. He likes her dancing.

Lisa Shears and Maia Benzant Perez
I was just laid off. I still wake up anxiously in the middle of the night. But when Maia tumbles out of bed and waddles over to me, I just laugh.

Charlie Van Berkel
When I'm worried about something, I go shopping. I always feel great when I have new things.

Kristi Hacker
I pick jobs that I like doing so I'll be in an environment I enjoy. I'm happiest when these dogs are really well behaved.

Jimmy Henkel
My job as a firefighter is what makes me happiest. Yesterday, we helped someone who was really sick; we brought him back to life. It makes your whole month.

Lela Bryant
Relationships make me happy. My husband has taught me to be more vulnerable, and to show myself to people. He always has a positive mind-set.

Mikey Shiwnath
I'm always happy. That's my style. I always rely on my friends. If anything bad does happen, I go swimming or skateboarding or surfing.

Becca Leitman
I worked in Cambodia last summer, in an orphanage, and just being there with the kids every day was a very happy time.

Roderick Shade
Work is tough right now. But my dog is the best thing in my life. He's always happy to see me. It's clear that I'm number one with him.

Barbara Ballinger
I'll be happy when Barack Obama wins. He's changing the world. The improvements in the economy and health care make me a happier woman.

Dheeraj Gowda
I was a big troublemaker growing up. Now it's my turn to do something for my family. To make my parents really, really, happy?if I could do that, I would be very happy.

Iris Qui?ones
I'm very happy with what I have. I know there are other people who have less. There's always someone worse off than you.

Kevin Wedderburn
When I wake up, I check my toe, and if there's no tag on it, that means I'm alive. That's all I need to know to be happy.

Wenting Yu
When I am with my family and friends, I feel very relaxed, like I can be myself and talk how I want to talk.

Alyssa Morris
I'm an accounting and economics major. I'm not exactly optimistic about Wall Street, but you have to figure the market will go up again.

Ron De La Hoz
I'm a retired Spanish dancer. Flamenco is the most emotional dance art form?it runs from happiness to sadness to despair. You have to take the bad with the good.

Liv Salvador
Traveling makes me really happy. I like planning trips, and I constantly go back through my photos so I can reminisce about where I went and what I did.

Anthony Carrigan
To be perfectly honest, I'd be happier if I had financial stability, so I could act in plays instead of on bad TV shows.

Hazel Hill
I find pleasure and comfort by being morbid, whereas I feel more uncomfortable and less happy when I'm forced to be cheery.

Kathy Shapell and kids Hannah and Sam Fuller
Sam: I like to play with my friends at the playground.
Kathy: I'm happiest when I'm with my family and we're vacationing.
Hannah: I'm happiest when I'm riding horses or drawing cartoons or volunteering at a school for children with autism.

Adam Christensen
Family is where I get my day-to-day joy. I have four kids, and they give me substance, direction, purpose, craziness, and neurosis. They're pretty awesome.

Basil Rojas
I love to cook and bake. It's very relaxing. I have a lot of friends who cook and we have get-togethers and share recipes. I don't have family here, but my friends have become my family.


I so thankful now for all the blessings that I have. But what really makes me happy is that me, my fianc? and my family is safe and healthy.
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