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ok i would say i particularly have an eating disorder, but i do restrict food, and go through fads. i eat very slowly and small amount. i go through phases where i may eat two meals a day for a few days then i will eat one meal, sometimes nothing, just drinking coffee and smoking to keep me going. then i can go for a couple of weeks eating two meals a day. i would say that the majority of meals i have are child portions because i can't stand the feeling of being full. i know i use food to control things and half appreciate the feeling i get when i don't eat. i can however sometimes enjoy food, strange as it sounds. sometimes i will just snack and have a chocolate bar to keep me going, yet my weight doesn't seem to fluctuate much. So am i making a deal out of nothing or not. i have started to take note of what i eat each day, and i only ever weigh myself when i am work.... i don't have scales in my house or i would probably weigh myself about five times a day.

honesty is appreciated, i do want you to say if i am just over reacting a little.
Re: what would this be

Hi Gayle ,

This sounds as if you are giving yourself anxiety , over a fairly normal eating pattern , we rarely need to eat exactly the same ammount of food each day , depends on what we eat and how much energy we use. when on holiday I generally eat much less and less regularly . If you are worried about your eating habits see a nutritionist , to see if the quality of your food has the appropriate nutritional elements for your body mass , life style and age .
Try not to check your weight each day , once a week is really sufficient .

If you are happy about your present weight then I wouldn't give yourself anxiety about it .

best wishes white page :)


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Re: what would this be

Hi Gayle,

While your weight may not fluctuate, it doesn't necessarily have to in order for there to be an eating disorder present. The comments you made that stuck out to me are that you know you use eating as a way of having control, that you would probably weigh yourself many times each day if you could, and that the behaviour might be escalating as you have started taking particular note of what you eat. Eating disorders are often about trying to take some control over one aspect of your life. I am not saying that you definitely have an eating disorder, but your eating pattern and thoughts about eating and weight seem to be causing you some concern, and if it is the beginning of something that might become more problematic it would be good to nip it in the bud. I suggest that you have a chat to your gp about it and see what he or she thinks. They will be able to give you some advice on nutrition and meal planning that you might find useful and can refer you for other assistance if they think it would help.

Good luck :hug:


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Re: what would this be

Hi Gayle,

One thing I wanted to add. You do need to eat something every day and not exist on coffee for the day. I agree with the others that you may not need the amount food some usually eat (3 meals a day). However, I do recommend breakfast, at least a protien shake in the morning to start you blood sugar to level off.

I rarely eat a meal but I do snack throughout the day. I keep nuts, raisins, fruit around so when I feel the need I grab something.


Re: what would this be

thanks for the advice and input. I was writing what and when i eat in a journal along with moods feeling ect to see if there are particular things which do stop me from eating so much. It is not exactly something new and it is better in than it used to be as i battled for about a year to get up to an adequate BMI. Since then i have monitored my weight to ensure I am maintaining approximately 54-57 kgs. I would agree there is some anxiety around food and eating, i am not keen on eating with others outside my family. Breakfast is my down fall unfortunately i never eat in the mornings.
maybe it would be a good idea not to record what i am eating and just go with the flow.

Thanks again


Hello Gayle,
Maybe moderation with food or diets is the way to go, but like I mentioned to someone a while ago eating small snacks... often, works for me.
By the way, are you the same Gayle thats a member? As in...
the backyard birds group? If not, disregard but have a great day just the same. - Joey -
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