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ok i am really having a hard time, was recently in hospital and i think me going there just made things worst for me. i guess maybe its the way i was brought in. i was dragged out of my apartment by police in handcuffs. just thinking about it now makes me so pissed off. the police treated me terribly, as a matter of fact there was this one female cop who just made it her buisness to torment me. she just kept cracking jokes and taunting me refused to take handcuffs off while in the ER and a month later my thumb is still numb. my doctor says they might have hit a nerve. i have never been arrested in my life.

i just feel that the way i was treated was uncalled for, i was not being violent, basically i was just sitting and crying, i just can't get over this, i can't understand why this happened to me. being in hospital for almost 2 weeks nearly drove me crazy, no help at all. i did not feel safe there, nobody really sat down and talked to me, basically just sat in my room and stare at the walls which felt like they were closing in on my. i was not allowed to leave, was on a form 3 i guess. i kept trying to tell them it was making things worst being there, i was not myself it made me more suicidal.

the way i was released was really messed up i was transfered to the acute ward because i guess i fliped out, because they would't let me leave. 2 days later i tried to kill myself again. its like i left my body and had no control over what was going on. well they kicked me out the next day, i was like okayyyyy... but i just did not care at that point i just wanted to get the hell out of there. they tould me i would be released at 3pm but for some reason they decided they needed me to leave right then, "they needed the room for someone else". my sister was to come and pick me up, but i could not get in touch with her, plus they didn't give me all my belongings, i tould the nurse that but she kept ignoring me so i went and knocked on the nursing station's window, next thing i know this woman comes out with 2 security guards to show me out.

i still can't believe all this happened it just seems like a damn nightmare, i just never want to end up in this situation again. i think i would rather die than ask for help, if this is help. i know deep down i don't want to die, not like this, but i just have no clue where to go from here. i feel like there's no hope i asked for help, i did but what the hell is the point when you get treated like your not worth sh#$?


Hi mjy Welcome to Psychlinks:2thumbs:

A lot of this is very familiar to me. I'm sorry that you were taken to hospital by an insensitive police officer. Just like with anything there is always that one person that seems to work over time at giving the rest a bad name. ;) I'm not sure of policies for police but I think if they showed up because you had said you were suicidal (which I am assuming) then it was probably more of a safety precaution and if you have never been put into cuffs before then it can be quite the experience. :eek:

Your right, the hospital is a very boring place. It's not the place you go to for therapy or anything that's for sure.
I'm sorry you had such a hard time in there. Sounds rough being escorted out. I hope you don't let this stop you from getting help. The better way to go would be to look into getting therapy and a psychiatrist. You are worth sh#*. You just would never have received the help you need in hospital because they simply do not have the time. Where as out of hospital you can get the help from someone who is focused on helping you.
Would you be willing to look in to getting a referral for a Psychiatrist from your medical doctor? Did the hospital give you a discharge plan? Maybe look into getting therapy?

I really hope you don't let any of what you have experienced deter you from getting help. I can understand where your coming from but seriously, you will get way better help out in the community. :2thumbs:Take care
The police are not trained properly to deal with mental illness they can be very cruel not all of them. Ihope you got the name of the office and reported her. She needs to get training on how to be compassionate not overbearing when one is suffering. I would bring charges against her just so her name is on record and if she does this again to someone else then maybe she will be forced to take some kind of course to help her treat people properly. I know others who have reported police like her and they were forced to take a course in dealing with the ill. Your right what happen to you should never have happened never but like said it only take one police officer like her to give someone in her profession a bad name. Like STP stated try getting help in the community okay reach out to people who do understand. I hope you have a therapist to help you get through this trauma because i do u nderstand the trauma that has been caused to you
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