More threads by Ashley-Kate

-when you feel sad yet you don't really know why.
-when you look in the mirror ad the image is a blurry huge thing that you think is you
-when your friends tell you that you are wounderfull and you want to yell at them "hello are you crazy"
- when you make a list of reasons why you deserve to live on this planet and you have no clue how to start that list.
-when you do a list of reasons you should not live and that list never ends.
-when you reaslie that you lists are stupid and you don't understand what is going on in your head.
-when people tell you they understand when you know for a fact that they have no clue.
-when you think of all the places you felt safe and the only place you can think of is the hospital
-when your familly is crying and asking for explanations and you just don't know what to say.
-when you sti in front of a plate for hours unable to put the fork to your mouth
-when you finally put the fork in your mouth and are submerged with guilt and instantly feel the need to rid yourself to purify yourself, when deep down you know that this is nonesence yet can't help yourself.
-when you really want to live but feel that living is just way to hard.
-when people say recovery and you want to cry because you feel helpless
-when people believe in you and you are terrified because you don't want to let them down.
-when you get abandonned by psychologist and get transfered from place to place.
-when you feel this disgust for yoursel fand your body yet you just can't explain the intensity to anyone because it is VERY INTENCE!

when all of these things happen and much more and you feel like you are falling off a cliff and no one is there to hold you up. when anorexia and bulimia own your mind yet your heart still wants to live. You have to hold on even if there is no one there to grab your hand in time you can make it the hand you need to grab on to is your own. I have told myself fr a very long time that i wouldn,t make it that i was just going to have to live with the fact that i am and will always be an eating disorder. But now today 11 years after the beginning of my eating disorder behaviors and 15 years after i started to really hate myself, i have came to the conclusion that i can try. No one every died from trying to beet an eating disorder and it would be terrible if i just let go and gave up. so here it is i am daring you all men and woman who have an eating disorder to stand up and give yourselves a chance. cause you can! I refuse to let this disorder become any bigger than it is already. i will not be the person that makes the percentage of deaths increase.
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