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Hi, I just stumbled onto this site today while looking up the usual topics and it looks like I might learn a thing or 2 here. My quick version is a history of major depression and anxiety since childhood, episodes of cutting, a messy decade of excessive drug abuse and eventual meth addiction that ended 5 years, 8 months and 18 days ago. I have had sleep issues since I was a child and was diagnosed with narcolepsy last year. I was also molested by a much older cousin from when I was 3, until about 6 years old. Umm, what else... Oh, last month my family doctor stopped being my doctor, making my counsel and treatment unavailable at this time. I have not participated in any sort of a social life for a few years. I'm trying to deal with my family's disappointment that I have said I don't want to attend a family reunion next year. That's about it.
Ooof! Enough about me, how are you?


Welcome to Psychlinks defect!:2thumbs:

Congrats on your 5 years, 18 months and 18 days! That's quite the accomplishment. :2thumbs:
Is there a reason your doctor is no longer your doctor? Can you look for another one?

I love the island, when it's not raining. lol

I hope you can find some interesting reading.:) Have a good night!
Hi glad you are here. I too hope you are able to find another doctor to help you. Congratulations on beating your addictions way to go there. :2thumbs:


As for my doc, he had a spazz attack when I asked him for a date that I could pick up some forms that he was taking his time with. He said he didn't want to commit to a time-line and decided to not fill them out at all. Thing is, I need a doctor who knows my history to access the support and community at a clubhouse - a division of the CMHA, and other potential resources I have been trying to pursue in spite of myself. I sent all my info and a complaint to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, so we'll see what happens, if anything. I did find a new doc, which was lucky since this town has over 3000 folks without one.
In the meantime, I'm going to look outside the box, starting with this site.
STP - Rain is beautiful. The sun is always shining, sometimes there are just a few clouds in the way. ;)
PS - Holy cute smilie list, batman.


I am glad you were able to get a new doctor, even though there is such a shortage. That's great. I don't know if you have done this or not but you can go to your old doctors office and ask them to send your records to the new doctor or if they won't do that then ask for copies of your medical records at the old doctors office. They may charge you photo copying fees or even have some sort of fee to do that though. I know my dad just switched and they wanted him to pay 50 bucks or something like that, he chose not to bother.

I agree rain is beautiful. lol A bit of it. Anytime I go there I always leave sick because of the humidity, I am chilled to the bone. Plus the weather would be way to depressing for me during those rainy times. I still love it out there though.
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