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Daniel E.
Col. Klink: What are you waiting for? Cut the wire.

Col. Hogan: That’s the problem. One of these wires disconnects the fuse, the other one fires the bomb. Which one would you cut, Shultz?

Sgt. Schultz: Don’t ask me, this is a decision for an officer.

Col. Hogan: All right. Which wire, Colonel Klink?

Col. Klink: This one. [points to the white wire]

Col. Hogan: You’re sure?

Col. Klink: Yes.

[Hogan cuts the black wire; the bomb stops ticking]

Col. Klink: If you knew which wire it was, why did you ask me?

Col. Hogan: I wasn’t sure which was the right one, but I was certain you’d pick the wrong one.

Source: “A Klink, a Bomb, and a Short Fuse,” Hogan’s Heroes (1966)
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