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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Why do some people prefer natural treatment for depression?
by Deborah Gray
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, several people have suggested bee stings as an alternative treatment to the interferon beta shot I do once a week. The first time a helpful soul suggested it, I was stupefied for a minute. I mean, honestly. How is being stung by bees preferable in any way to medication? Granted, my interferon medicine does have side effects, but what would make anyone think bee stings are free from side effects? I've had allergic reactions to stinging insects in the past, for one thing, and there's a reason that many people carry epi-pens to counteract bee stings. I'm wondering if somehow the potential throat-closing-up-lack-of-breathing is seen as inconsequential compared to medication side effects by the people who suggest the bee sting regimen.

For some inexplicable (at least, to me) reason, some people think that if a treatment is natural, it is always superior to one developed in a lab. For me, this is a head-scratcher. Natural is not even safe in every situation, let alone superior. Digitalis, which is derived from foxglove, is used to treat heart conditions, but do you know any cardiac patients who grow the plant and just clip some off when they're in distress? No, of course not, or at least I hope not. They use pills that are prescribed for the condition, as the level of digitalis in them is safe.

Several things concern me about natural treatment for depression. One is that with many people, it's a knee-jerk reaction to choose the natural treatment over the conventional, without doing any research or talking to their doctor. Here's why I think that's the case. If you're taking a supplement or herb instead of an antidepressant, you can keep telling yourself that you are not suffering from an illness, because you're not taking medication. It supports the illusion that depression isn't an illness. I'm sorry, but especially if you're talking about severe levels of depression, that just isn't the case.

The second thing that worries me about people with depression choosing the natural treatment route is that they often don't see a doctor at all. Clinical depression can be caused by medical conditions such as a malfunctioning thyroid. When you talk to your doctor about experiencing depression, as part of the diagnosis he or she will first rule out these medical conditions. If your depression is caused by an underlying medical condition and you choose to self-medicate instead of getting checked out by your doctor, it's likely that these conditions, which could be dangerous, will not be detected.

In addition, I have yet to hear of a natural treatment for clinical depression that has been proven to be both safe and effective. The only one that comes even close is St. John's wort, but not if you have major depression. According to the National Institutes of Health, while there is some scientific evidence that St. John's wort can be useful in treating mild to moderate depression, two major studies have show that it is no more effective than a placebo in treating major depression.

Now, before you jump on me for being a drug pusher for the pharmaceutical companies whose mind is completely closed to alternative treatments, keep reading.

For one thing, I did take a natural supplement for my depression for a year. It was before I was actually diagnosed with my depression. I thought I had severe PMS, and followed a course of treatment using large doses of L-Tryptophan. It actually did improve my depression during the year I was on it.

The reason I went off it? A tainted batch of L-Tryptophan caused a rare disease in a few individuals and L-Tryptophan was pulled off the market. So in this case, the natural treatment was effective for me, but since supplements are not regulated, it can't be considered completely safe. I personally would rather deal with side effects from antidepressants than contract a rare incurable disease. But maybe that's just me.

Yes, the pharmaceutical companies exist solely to make a buck and they're often too aggressive, as well as deceptive, in marketing their products. But seriously, can anyone say with a straight face that supplement makers are not out to make a buck and are never deceptive?

Also, I want to make it clear that my attitude towards depression treatment has changed in the nearly twenty years since I was diagnosed. Initially, my life was so transformed by antidepressants that I advocated that treatment above others. Now, for several reasons, I support a more holistic approach to treatment.

So with that said, I'll end with the aspect of natural treatment for depression that confounds me completely. I cannot understand the mindset of people who refuse to take antidepressants when they're severely depressed and have tried everything natural, without success. Many of these people wouldn't even think of using a natural treatment for diseases like cancer or diabetes, because they know they're gambling with their lives.

Guess what? Depression is a potentially fatal disease. If you're suicidal and taking it upon yourself to treat your depression with unproven natural treatments, then you're still gambling with your life. Get over your squeamishness about conventional depression treatment and call a doctor. Conventional treatment may not be perfect, but if you've tried the natural route and it isn't working, ask yourself why you are so reluctant to give it a shot.


I think one reason people go the "natural" route is because the pill popping hasn't worked. It certainly didn't for me, and I've been on dang near every drug available for my depression. And frankly, I would rather go with "nature-made" than "chemist-made" in almost anything. But what a lot of people don't understand is that it's not just things like St John's Wort that can help depression. It's a matter of looking at the body as a whole, the brain being a part of that whole. And diet affects *all* parts of the body. I don't think it's a matter of "supplementing" one's normal diet with something (natural or man-made) additional. I think it's a matter of looking at diet and life-style and making changes that will help the body (and thus the mind). Eating more whole grains and fish, getting rid of red meat and processed foods - the more I've actually looked at the foods I eat and made changes there, the less the depressive episodes affect me, and the less frequent they become. But you have to research your diet, just as you *should* research those little pills the doctors shove at you.


I personally think it's a matter of being well informed about any treatment you undertake, ensuring that it's safe, as well as sticking with what works for you. I use natural medicine as 'complementary medicine' i.e. in addition to standard medication. All with the knowledge of my treatment team.
Regarding diet, I've found cutting out chocolate and sweet biscuits has made a tremendous difference to my levels of anxiety. The anxiety is still there, because it's a result of past traumas. But anything that can reduce it's severity is good, in my view. :)
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