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...that automatically thinks and speaks of themselves with a high degree of respect?

I put myself down and assume the worst. I see people who are the opposite, and who seem to genuinely love themselves and think they deserve the best.

Sometimes I feel this way but it's so hard fought. My default setting has always been to think I'm a loser.

Damn Facebook, it started this whole spiral tonight :p
That is why i deleted facebook i am sorry it was a trigger for you tonight and yes you can and will be one of those people who genuinely love themselves for who they are with work you can hun hugs to you


Every person have insecurities and fears and I have often envied other people when I was younger. Unfortunately I have come to realize that I would prefer my issues and insecurities because I do not have to go through so much trouble to seem perfect like some other people. I do not have to wear a mask all the time and I pity some people that have to be that way. It must be so exhausting!

Do what you can to support yourself - so much of our communication goes inward ... inside your head. We should be kind to ourselves in a realistic way and see both sides, not only the flaws but the good that comes with it too.

Take care of you.
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