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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's Official: Windows 10 Free For Many Users
by John Lister,
January, 22 2015

It's official: Microsoft says that Windows 10 will be free of charge -- but the offer comes with limitations and caveats.

The free upgrade offer is part of what could be the biggest change to the Windows business model, ever. Microsoft's comments at a launch event this week have been interpreted by some analysts as meaning Windows 10 may also be the last major release of the operating system. Instead, Windows may receive more frequent, but less substantial updates in the future.

The Windows 10 free upgrade deal will only apply to consumer versions of Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) and Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 installed). In order to get the free offer, users will have to upgrade their current operating system within the first year of the official Windows 10 release. After that, there will most likely be a charge, though it's not yet known what fees are involved.

Pricing for business users will be revealed later.

Windows 10 Free Updates Could Run For Years
Microsoft says that with the free upgrade to Windows 10, users will also receive Windows updates for the "supported lifetime" of the device. While the full details of this offer are not yet revealed, it appears to imply that updates will continue for a fixed period of time, or until the user replaces the device -- whichever happens first. (Source:

It's also suggested that Windows 10 update support goes well beyond Microsoft's previous practice of issuing Windows updates for approximately 5 years after an operating system's initial release. In theory, it could mean that people who upgrade to Windows 10 would be eligible for free upgrades to any future editions of Windows, including Windows 11, for example.

Windows 10 "As a Service"
Perhaps the most speculation about Windows 10 is in regard to its successor.

Microsoft operating system chief Terry Myerson says that "we think of Windows 10 as a service." That statement has has prompted wide speculation from analysts, suggesting that there may never be a successor to Windows 10. Instead, Microsoft may simply roll out minor updates to its operating system in a way many developers do with applications, such as Google's Chrome Browser. (Source:

That would be a revolutionary change for Microsoft as, coupled with recent reports that manufacturers may pay little if any fees to install Windows 10, it's likely Microsoft's revenue from sales of Windows will plummet in future years.

Instead, it's suggested that Microsoft will concentrate on making its money from business users, subscriptions to online editions of its applications such as Office, and from commission from sales through the Windows app store. That would bring its PC business much closer to the model used in tablets and smartphone, particularly that of Apple.


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One article said that they skipped a windows 9 version because Mac was already at version 10 and they felt a version 9 of windows would appear outdated.

Also, I had missed this but found it satisfying:

Microsoft's man in charge of creating Windows 8, Steven Sinofsky, was fired today! Is it because Windows 8 sucks so bad?
by Brian Madden

The Internet lit up last night with the news that Microsoft's head of Windows Steven Sinofsky has left the company, effective immediately, according to a company-wide email sent by CEO Steve Ballmer. (Business Insider, AllThingsD, TechCrunch) Should we be sad because this is a huge loss for Microsoft? Or should we be happy because Windows 8 is a crazy disaster and now this guy is gone?

The official company line is that the decision was mutual, though as MG Siegler points out on TechCrunch, a person whom everyone thinks was going to be the next CEO of a company doesn't up and quit, effective immediately, on a random Monday night. One thing we know for sure is Microsoft's board of directors wasn't happy with Sinofsky, awarding him (and Ballmer) less than their full bonus target due to Windows sales declines, problems with the Windows team being able to comply with a 2009 European Commission agreement regarding browser choice, and the lack of luster in the Windows smart phone market share. Is it possible that the sales and reviews of Windows 8 have been so bad in the first few weeks that he's out already?

If you've never heard of Sinofsky, Business Insider ran a detailed profile of him earlier this year. He ran the Windows group for almost four years and has been hailed for turning it around after the Vista debacle, though many also claim he's hard to work with, super secretive, and lacks the vision to lead Microsoft. What's interesting about every single profile you read about Sinofsky is they link the success of his career at Microsoft to the success of Windows 8. When talking about the next CEO, Business Insider wrote, "Unless Windows 8 is a disaster, Sinofsky is probably next in line."
Is Windows 8 really a disaster?


If you look at Windows 8 purely in terms of a continuation of Windows 7—a desktop OS meant to run desktop applications on traditional keyboard & mouse-driven desktops and laptops—in that case it isn't too bad. Not good, but not bad. Nothing really ground-breaking… more like a nice service pack and light freshening for Windows 7. If Microsoft had stopped there we'd probably all update to it and think nothing of it. Unfortunately they didn't stop there and we have a version of Windows with several major problems:

"Touch mode" and "desktop mode" are not integrated, rather, they're side-by-side. Rather than combining a tablet and a laptop, it's like they bolted a tablet to a laptop. And they share a battery. And a screen.
Thin and light tablets have ARM processors, but ARM can't run existing Windows desktop apps. But the whole point of using Windows for a tablet is so it can run existing apps, so…???
Microsoft claims Intel architecture tablets can be thin and light too, but those use Intel Atom processors which have benchmark ratings of about 1/5th of normal mobile processors. So any regular Windows desktop apps (again, the whole reason for using Windows in the first place) run like ****.
Windows 8 is sold as "post desktop" touch-based modern OS, but today's desktop apps don't magically become touch-friendly on Windows 8.
Windows Phone 8 is a different OS than the ARM-based Windows RT which is different than Intel architecture Windows 8.
Microsoft forces everyone to use the touch-based tile world interface, even if you have a non-touch computer with a keyboard and mouse.
Microsoft is trying to build a single OS for people who want to only carry one device, but people have shown that they they want to use a tablet for tablet-based activities, and a laptop for laptop-based activities
Microsoft decided to build their own tablets (The Surface models), screwing their hardware partners in the process. That will come back to bite them.
Brand confusion like crazy. So there's Windows 8, with desktop mode and Windows 8 applications. Then there's Windows RT, which is NOT Windows 8, but which can run Windows 8 applications that are compiled for it. It also has a desktop mode, but it cannot run Windows desktop applications. Then of course we have Surface and Surface Pro, which are actually two totally different devices running different OSes, but both marketed interchangeably on
There's no touch mode version of Office. Maybe that's a critique for the Office team, but come on! How can Microsoft encourage everyone to rewrite all their apps for touch when Microsoft themselves couldn't even do it?

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up!

Tomorrow I'm going to write an article detailing all these reasons that Windows 8 is a huge disaster. But today I'm more interested in Sinofsky being fired. What do you make of it?
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