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Microsoft is taking preorders for Windows 7 upgrades at 50% or more off of retail prices. Delivery to be on Oct. 22. This offer is only open until July 11. See this page for details.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

This offer is only available to US customers. I thought there were additional restrictions as well based on a news story I read this morning but I don't find mention of those on the Microsoft site.


Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

Not that I can afford it, but this is all good to know. I'm going to leave the comp now, as I have been invited to install Vista Service Pack One on my new laptop. That's probably about the best I can do - for now.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

I don't feel any burning need to upgrade just now either. As a rule, I don't get excited about being the first person on the block to acquire a new operating system - inevitably, there are bugs and driver conflicts to be worked out and I usually wait a while and let other be the beta testers. I need my computers for work and for my websites and I have no interest in battling operating system glitches while I do that.


Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

I need my computers for work and for my websites and I have no interest in battling operating system glitches while I do that.

Much as computers and the Internet have become major hobbies of mine, I also need my computer for my work; and I recall becoming really frustrated when I first acquired a computer with Vista Basic.

I've been relatively more satisfied with Vista Home Premium, and the technical staff at Finale (the main software I use) have told me that they're not having too many issues with it either.

In fact, I'll probably upgrade to Vista Ultimate before going out and buying Windows Seven (but don't hold me to that.)


Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

I didn't know that. I wonder what the advantages are meant to be. Maybe they apply to people who use their computers for the different purposes than I do? Anyway, Vista Service Pack One finally finished installing, and I'm late for a meeting, but maybe I can gather specifics about this later. I won't bother paying for Vista Ultimate if it's not going to be worth it.

Daniel E.
Re: Windows 7 Pre-Order Discounts

As an update, for U.S. college students, Microsoft is now offering an upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium for $30:
Windows 7 US Online Store - Student Registration (offer does not expire until January)

However, people who purchased a Windows Vista computer after June 25th are eligble for a free upgrage, e.g.:

Also, computer science majors and some other students both in the US and elsewhere can get Windows 7 Professional for free from the MSDN Academic Alliance, so this "deal" is only a deal for some students.

BTW, free Microsoft software for high school and college students worldwide:
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