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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Microsoft Releases a "Windows Command Reference" For Over 250 Console Commands
By Lawrence Abrams,
May 2, 2018

One of the things that has always been lacking is good all-in-one documentation on the various Windows console commands and how to use them. Yeah, we always had the "help" command in the Command Prompt, but that only listed 86 commands. Also like many people, I prefer documentation that I can easily search through for commands and how to use them.

Microsoft must agree, as on April 18th they released a 948 page PDF titled the "Windows Command Reference" that contains documentation on over 250 Windows console commands. For each command, Microsoft has included a detailed description of the command, their command line arguments, and for some commands, what operating system the documentation applies.

cipher Documentation Example

Even better, for many of the commands they provide examples on how to use them.

Examples on how to use commands

As great as this documentation is, I wish they also included undocumented command line arguments for programs such as wuauclt.exe or cleanmgr.exe.

Undocumented Cleanmgr.exe Commands

While some of you may know many of these commands already, I am sure you will find a few that you never heard of. For example, yesterday I quickly spotted a command called "append" that I have never heard of and still do not know what Windows version it applies to.

For those who want to get a good understanding on how to use Windows console commands or just like to have easy to reference documentation at hand, this is a great document to add to your collection.

You can download the Windows Command Reference :acrobat: at Download Windows Commands Reference from Official Microsoft Download Center or directly from here.
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